How To Increase The Girth Of Your Penis - A Natural Method That Can Increase Your Penis Girth Faster
Conversely, it is not only the length of your penis that matters.
Experts agreed that the girth of your penis matters a lot because it is the area that gives a woman all the pleasure she deserve during intercourse.
Increasing your penis girth is not a difficult task.
You will learn a natural way to achieve that after reading this article.
Penis girth is defined as the measurement of the circumference of the completely erect penis.
It should be noted that a penis must be completely erect in order to obtain an accurate measurement.
An average penis girth is around 1.
25 - 1.
6 inches.
The reason for increasing the girth is that majority of the nerves that are stimulated during penetration (both the vaginal and anal varieties) are located close to the entrance of the vagina and anus.
This makes length less important and width a much greater factor since it's the stretching of the vaginal or anal walls that stimulates the nerves.
Other important reasons for increasing your penis girth includes: it improves sex quality, increase performance, increase pleasure and increase sensation for both partners.
It is unfortunate that most penis enlargement products available today are focused on increasing the penis length only.
Instead of using these conventional methods, a combination of a natural and scientifically proven stretching method can get the job done for you easily.
This method involves combining some series of natural penis exercise known as jelqing with a scientifically proven traction device.
Jelqing is extremely safe and easy to perform.
Jelqing work by forcing your penis to draw and hold more blood, in essence you are forcing more blood into the penis than it can naturally hold.
This expands the penis tissues and makes your penis girth to increase.
A traction device work by exerting a little traction on your penis when strap on it.
It provides the necessary traction needed on the outside along the penis shaft while jelqing work from the inside to give you a huge, longer and thicker penis.
This combination has been reported to create a permanent increase in both length and girth of the penis.
Its effect on the penis is great.
It is safe, guaranteed and you can start seeing result after using it for a couple of weeks.
Delight your woman anytime you have sex by increasing the girth of your penis using the combined method explained in this article.
Give it a trial today and you won't be disappointed.