I"ll Make You an Offer You Can"t Refuse - Insider Business Tips From a Former Mob Boss
"I'll Make You An Offer You Can't Refuse: Insider Business Tips from a Former Mob Boss" by Michael Franzese is an interesting read full of practical and sound business tips.
It is a quick read with only 152 pages, but the entire book was interesting, enjoyable, and contained some very sound practical advice.
Franzese's text contains numerous quotes from both Machiavelli and Solomon, and in chapter ten, he tells the reader you must choose your philosopher.
Will you follow the path of Machiavelli, one of the ends justifying the means, or will you follow Solomon's path and manage your affairs with integrity, steering your course by a reliable moral and legal compass? The author encourages you to choose the latter, and with stories of how many people he has know that followed the Mob and Machiavelli route died of unnatural causes, choosing the Solomon path really is an offer you can't refuse.
At lease one you shouldn't.
The eleven chapters consist of: One: Mob Up Your Business.
A little background on the author and why his experiences can help in the business world.
After all, business is business.
There are a few tips in this chapter as well.
Two: First, Nail Down the Basics.
You must have a plan, you must put in the time, and the people you assemble will make the difference.
These lessons and more illustrated with examples.
Three: Next, Beware Machiavelli's Trap.
The author explains why he quotes from Machiavelli and Solomon.
Four: Use Solomon's Solution.
Continues to explain why he contrasts Machiavelli and Solomon.
Five: Lead with Your Brain, Not Your Mouth.
A big fat mouth has gotten a lot of people into trouble, Franzese's stories will help reinforce why you should think before you talk.
Six: Master the Art of the Sit-Down.
Negotiation mob style.
That does not mean the lessons won't work for you in business settings.
Seven: Keep Your Eyes on the Bookies.
Franzese shares some thoughts on the gambling industry and how gambling addictions can ruin businesses and people.
Eight: Learn From Your Failures.
The author shares stories of his failures and others' with a message that getting back up and charging ahead is the right thing to do when failure shows up, because it will.
Nine: Play it Straight and Legal.
Listen to Franzese, he spent years in prison for not following this advice.
Ten: Pick Your Philosopher: Machiavelli or Solomon? As I mentioned above, the author shows you a choice, and recommends you chose Solomon.
Eleven: Get the Right Idea About Success.
It's really not just about the money.
Figure out what real success is and strive for it.
I enjoyed the book.
I liked the stories and the lessons that came from them.
I'm sure any business person who enjoyed "The Sopranos" will really like this book, but I suspect others that never watched the show will like it too.
The advice is fairly basic, and has been around for many years, it's Solomon, but it is told a little differently with Franzese's experiences, and that made it enjoyable and memorable.
Mob business, Legit business, Business is business.
Franzese's tips can help you run yours better.