Blood Pressure Medication That Causes Erectile Dysfunction
One of these is erectile dysfunction.
When affect by hypertension, the pressure against blood cells makes it difficult for the body to maintain a steady flow of blood, therefore making it difficult if not impossible to get an erection.
The interesting thing to note here is that the same medications that are used to fight off hypertension might increase the risks of ED as well.
The good news is that there are only a few that have been known to cause these problems and they can be avoided and replaced with medicines that might not have this negative side effect.
The most important thing is to be knowledgeable so that you can avoid the mistake of using medicines that might cause you some unwanted sexual side effects.
I will show you exactly which medicines to avoid in order to keep your body in top sexual health.
There are two different types of hypertension medicines that can cause erectile dysfunction.
The first type that we will talk about are diuretics, or water pills.
These pills are usually what are prescribed when you cannot lower your blood pressure naturally through diet and exercise.
The best thing to remember is to try and reduce your health risks naturally first, and then start trying some of these medications.
The mistake that most people make is that they try and get medicated before trying to improve their health naturally.
These diuretics like hydrochlorothiazide are usually very effective at lowering your hypertension, and you should stay on them until your blood pressure is under control.
If you do happen to continue to experience erection difficulties, then you should consult your doctor about possibly putting you on a different medicine that is not known to cause or increase the risk of ED.
The other type of hypertension medicine is known as a beta blocker.
Beta blockers like Atenolol are also prescribed when men or women cannot effectively lower their risk of hypertension naturally by way of diet, exercise and healthy living.
The same suggestions and practices are encouraged for the use of these beta blockers as we suggested just above for diuretics.
That is, try natural means first, and if they do not work then try out pills like these.
If and when erection troubles continue to plague the user, he should consult his physician immediately and see if there are other means of curbing hypertension while enhancing erectile ability.
One thing to remember for certain is that there are many different types of medication that can be prescribe to treat hypertension that do NOT cause erection problems or sexual health issues.
These include but are not limited to ACE inhibitors (which widen blood vessels to promote bloodflow rarely ever induce ED) and Alpha-blockers (as opposed to beta-blockers mentioned above).
When trying to fight off illnesses and problems in the body, it can be frustrating, stressful, and confusing.
But relax because there are always options for you.
You can live a healthy, stable, sexually pleasing life if you just simply keep yourself informed and keep lines of communication open between your partner, yourself, and your personal doctor.