Why You Should Drink Coffee Every Day
There cannot be any adult in this world to say that I have never tried the coffee in my lifetime. The drink is consumed everywhere and it has been found that in the United States alone the number of locations in which this drink is consumed is nearly 11,000 in number. Even though, many of us have a doubt as to whether the drink will bring about an impact on our health, it has been found that it can be an amazing drink to your body, skin and your brain when consumed in limited quantity. Here are some of the reasons, why you should have a cup of the most expensive coffee as soon as you wake up:
Americans can get more antioxidants from this beverage: According to a study conducted in the year 2005, no drink comes closer to the level of antioxidants it provides as this beverage. Even though, it is true that fruits and vegetables have more of them and they can be consumed in beverage form, the human body can absorb those in coffee more quickly as compared to those present in other types of brews.
Stress reduction: Not only consuming, but just smelling this brew is known to bring about a reduction in the level of stress. The Seoul National University conducted a research with rats and found that a group of rats that were stressed due to deprivation in the quality of sleep had experienced some changes in their brain proteins, when they were made to smell the aroma of coffee. However, this is connected only to the stress arising out of sleep deprivation and not any other type of stresses like work-related, personal life related, etc...
Reduction in the symptoms of Parkinson's disease: It has been found in the year 2012 that, drinking the most expensive coffee every day can prevent the occurrence of Parkinson's disease in people. Those, who are drinking lesser quantities of coffee are getting this disease. Even, it can help with movement symptoms with people, who is already suffering from Parkinson's.
Also, it has been found that this brew can prevent people from getting Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease shortly called as NAFLD. A report was submitted by the NUS graduate medical school showed that consuming four or more cups of coffee or tea per day can reduce the progression of NAFLD.
So, it is a healthy beverage as against the wrong belief we have about this beverage, but it should be consumed in limited quantity.
Americans can get more antioxidants from this beverage: According to a study conducted in the year 2005, no drink comes closer to the level of antioxidants it provides as this beverage. Even though, it is true that fruits and vegetables have more of them and they can be consumed in beverage form, the human body can absorb those in coffee more quickly as compared to those present in other types of brews.
Stress reduction: Not only consuming, but just smelling this brew is known to bring about a reduction in the level of stress. The Seoul National University conducted a research with rats and found that a group of rats that were stressed due to deprivation in the quality of sleep had experienced some changes in their brain proteins, when they were made to smell the aroma of coffee. However, this is connected only to the stress arising out of sleep deprivation and not any other type of stresses like work-related, personal life related, etc...
Reduction in the symptoms of Parkinson's disease: It has been found in the year 2012 that, drinking the most expensive coffee every day can prevent the occurrence of Parkinson's disease in people. Those, who are drinking lesser quantities of coffee are getting this disease. Even, it can help with movement symptoms with people, who is already suffering from Parkinson's.
Also, it has been found that this brew can prevent people from getting Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease shortly called as NAFLD. A report was submitted by the NUS graduate medical school showed that consuming four or more cups of coffee or tea per day can reduce the progression of NAFLD.
So, it is a healthy beverage as against the wrong belief we have about this beverage, but it should be consumed in limited quantity.