Physical Requirements for the US Marines
- The Marines have a number of exacting physical standards.Marine Standing Proud image by aqbenkie from
The United States Marine Corps has exacting physical standards that apply to new recruits. Further, the Marine Corps requires an annual fitness test to determine whether or not Marines are maintaining a level of physical fitness in line with corps expectations. Whether you're interested in enlisting or in boning up for your annual physical fitness exam, it's worth knowing the physical requirements for Marines. - The Marine Corps has different tolerances for height and weight for women and men. Within these tolerances there are specific weight limits for specific heights. Generally speaking, men who wish to enlist must be between 5 ft. and 6 ft., 8 in. tall. Weight requirements for men run between 100 pounds and 255 pounds. For women, height tolerances are between 4 ft., 10 in. and 6 ft., 8 in. Women must weigh between 90 and 227 pounds to enlist.
- The Marine Corps administers a vision test to all those enlisting. Vision is particularly important for members of the Marine Corps, as they operate as an infantry and need to have good vision to aim their rifles. Vision must be 20/400 or 20/200, corrected to 20/20 when wearing glasses or contact lenses. The Marine Corps also tests applicants for color blindness and depth perception.
- The United States Marine Corps conducts the Initial Strength Test to appraise the physical fitness of all incoming recruits. The corps conducts this test when recruits arrive at Parris Island for recruit training. Men must perform two pull-ups and run a mile and a half in less than 13 minutes and 30 seconds. Women must perform a flexed arm hang for 12 seconds and run a mile and a half in 15 minutes. The requirement for crunches is the same for both sexes: 44 in two minutes.
- The Marine Corps requires that all Marines undergo the physical fitness test once every year. Requirements vary by age, with requirements for older Marines being less stringent than for younger Marines. Requirements also differ by gender. All male Marines must perform at least three pull-ups, while all female Marines must perform a 15-second flexed arm hang. The requirements for crunches remain the same for both genders, between 40 and 50 in two minutes, depending on the age of the Marine. A 3-mile run must be completed in between 28 and 33 minutes for men and between 31 and 36 minutes for women, depending on age for both genders.
Height and Weight
Initial Strength Test
Annual Fitness Test