Don"t Starve It Off- Burn It Off!
Yesterday I did cardiovascular exercise for 4 hours.
Though, it's not what you think.
There is a fitness program my company sells and it is required that I participate with the client's cardio exercise twice a week.
One client, I am basically running with the entire time, while the others are more like a walk/jog, so, it's not something I can't handle.
Though, I'm not bragging or anything, but I probably could do 4 hours of jogging and running, only because I'm used to it and when you're running with someone, your motivation is skyrocketed.
Now, I am by no means telling you to do cardio that many times a day...
you'd be insane to do so.
However, what I do want you to understand is "burning" off your calories sure as h*ll beats "starving" off your calories.
Many people are under the silly notion that if they deprive themselves of food, they'll lose weight and get into better shape.
This thinking is completely inaccurate.
Yes, you'll lose weight.
But the majority will be from precious muscle...
not fat.
Not good.
When you starve yourself or cut back on food intake, your body goes into a catabolic mode.
You are putting your body in a bad position by not promoting muscle growth, but rather storing fat AND you're also irritable, moody, you have cravings, you're easily fatigued and generally weak...
make's sense right? Now, when you exercise regularly everyday AND you're eating small frequent nutritious meals you are properly "burning calories.
" You are speeding up your metabolism and burning fat by not only consistently giving your body the fuel it needs but also performing progressive (intense as possible) exercise.
Think about it.
When you exercise and eat right...
How much better do you feel? Your endorphins are pumping at there prime, your mood is great, your energy level is through the roof, your concentration levels are sharp as a dagger, your sex life is awesome, your confidence is superior...
you get the idea.
It's a match made in heaven...
wouldn't ya say? Now, for some of you, I am preaching to the choir.
But believe me when I tell you...
I deal with this all the time and I am sure some of you are as well.
Bottom Line: Burning off your calories by eating healthy nutritious foods and performing consistent exercise e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y is all you should be doing to get into shape.
Like death and taxes, this too is something that should always be a sure thing that happens in your life Now, if you want to be miserable...
don't exercise and go on a starvation diet.
It's your choice.
Though, it's not what you think.
There is a fitness program my company sells and it is required that I participate with the client's cardio exercise twice a week.
One client, I am basically running with the entire time, while the others are more like a walk/jog, so, it's not something I can't handle.
Though, I'm not bragging or anything, but I probably could do 4 hours of jogging and running, only because I'm used to it and when you're running with someone, your motivation is skyrocketed.
Now, I am by no means telling you to do cardio that many times a day...
you'd be insane to do so.
However, what I do want you to understand is "burning" off your calories sure as h*ll beats "starving" off your calories.
Many people are under the silly notion that if they deprive themselves of food, they'll lose weight and get into better shape.
This thinking is completely inaccurate.
Yes, you'll lose weight.
But the majority will be from precious muscle...
not fat.
Not good.
When you starve yourself or cut back on food intake, your body goes into a catabolic mode.
You are putting your body in a bad position by not promoting muscle growth, but rather storing fat AND you're also irritable, moody, you have cravings, you're easily fatigued and generally weak...
make's sense right? Now, when you exercise regularly everyday AND you're eating small frequent nutritious meals you are properly "burning calories.
" You are speeding up your metabolism and burning fat by not only consistently giving your body the fuel it needs but also performing progressive (intense as possible) exercise.
Think about it.
When you exercise and eat right...
How much better do you feel? Your endorphins are pumping at there prime, your mood is great, your energy level is through the roof, your concentration levels are sharp as a dagger, your sex life is awesome, your confidence is superior...
you get the idea.
It's a match made in heaven...
wouldn't ya say? Now, for some of you, I am preaching to the choir.
But believe me when I tell you...
I deal with this all the time and I am sure some of you are as well.
Bottom Line: Burning off your calories by eating healthy nutritious foods and performing consistent exercise e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y is all you should be doing to get into shape.
Like death and taxes, this too is something that should always be a sure thing that happens in your life Now, if you want to be miserable...
don't exercise and go on a starvation diet.
It's your choice.