Celebration Ideas for a Graduation
- A graduation deserves a proper celebration.graduation day image by Gina Smith from Fotolia.com
Finishing high school is an accomplishment, and students should be rewarded for their efforts. A bit of creative thought can provide new graduates with a party to remember, something more out of the ordinary than the predictable dinner at a nice restaurant or party and presents in the living room. Talk to your graduate about what she would like to do, and tailor your plans to her preferences. After all, it's her graduation! - If you live in a location with a beautiful lake or river, it's the perfect opportunity to celebrate a graduation on the water. Charter a sailboat if you know how to sail and want to have a small and quiet gathering, or rent a houseboat for a large crowd and cruise along the riverbank while you party. Bring some speakers and some good music along, and ask guests to bring food. Be sure to have responsible chaperones on hand, particularly if there will be alcohol involved. Drinking to excess while boating is not a good idea.
- Take your new graduate to a city of his choice for a weekend celebration. Particularly if you live in a small community, this can be an exciting time for a young adult, and an introduction to the wider world. Prepare your trip thoroughly beforehand so you know what you'll be doing, and don't spend the weekend just wandering the streets wondering where you are. Try to locate acquaintances who live in the city who might spend part of a day with you showing you around. Buy tickets for some cultural events, and make reservations at some nice restaurants.
- Music is an important part of many young people's lives, so take advantage of this fact in your planning for a graduation celebration. Include all of your daughter's friends in your celebration by renting a hall, hiring a band, and having a dance for a large group. The school may already be having a prom, of course, but this could be a more informal -- and possibly more fun -- complement to the official graduation events of the school. If you can't afford a band, have a music potluck where all the new graduates bring their favorite music.
- Graduates can let their hair down, or put their wigs on, at a graduation costume party. Dressing up in outrageous costumes and having a good time for a few hours is a great way to celebrate the end of high school. Let people know about the party well ahead of time so they have a chance to put together some good costumes. Have a contest at the party for the best costume.
City Adventure
Costume Party