Taxes & Medicare Part B
- The Social Security Administration administers the Medicare Modernization Act provisions requiring higher-income beneficiaries to pay higher Part B premiums. SSA uses the adjusted gross income plus any tax-exempt interest reported on tax returns to create the modified adjusted gross income. The MAGI is the basis for assessing higher Part B premiums.
- The Internal Revenue Service furnishes the tax return information to Social Security. The adjusted gross income is on Line 37 of the first page of the Internal Revenue Service Form 1040 form. The tax-exempt interest income is entered on Line 8b of Page 1 of the Form 1040 but is not added to any totals on the page. IRS provides the sum of these entries to SSA.
- IRS provides Social Security information from tax returns two years prior to the premium year. For example, premium increases for 2010 would be based on the tax return for 2008. MAGI more than $85,000 for an individual, or $214,000 for a couple, trigger increases in premiums, which can rise to $353.60 for beneficiaries with the highest income.