Hepatitis C - The Importance of Having Insurance With This Devastating Disease
This particular virus is caused by a blood born infection.
It is a silent disease.
Those who become infected can have the disease for years and not know it until they start experiencing the effects of a damaged liver.
Strangely enough, 51% of the people who are treated early enough for the disease are cured.
Left untreated, the disease scars the liver which can progress to full cirrhosis and eventually the need for a liver transplant.
It can also lead to the development of cancer of the liver, and esophageal and gastric varices.
The primary treatment for Hepatitis is medication.
Patients are given a combination of interferon and ribavirin for up to 48 weeks.
The length of time treatment lasts depends a lot on the genotype of the disease.
Interestingly, this is one case where the cure is almost worse than the disease.
The side effects of the medication are persistent and demanding on the body and can cause anything from flu like symptoms to cardiovascular events to thoughts of suicide.
Even though the beginning stages of the disease are asymptomatic, as the disease progresses you will need the benefits that health insurance afford you.
Untreated liver damage will hospitalize you.
If you do not have insurance, you could be looking at thousands of dollars for the hospital stay alone.
When you leave the hospital, you will be put on regimen of medication which is another expense.
Then there are the follow up doctor appointments, lab tests, scans, and other assorted medical care that you will need to bring you back to good health.
Add to that the time you lose from work to treat your condition and you could potentially be bankrupted by your disease.
Insurance helps protect your personal finances from catastrophic health problems like Hepatitis C.
Even with copays, coinsurance rates, and deductibles, you will pay significantly less for your health care than you would if you were uninsured.
If you think that you can't afford health insurance then you may not be looking in the right places.
The first stop to finding affordable health insurance is to shop on a health insurance quote website.
The site will gather multiple quotes from several leading health insurers so you can see what's available and choose the best plan for you.
Protect your lifestyle with proper health insurance.
If you need assistance in locating coverages to cover this condition, we can help.
Please visit our website at http://www.
com and provide contact information so we may respond to your request and guide you.