What Happens When We Humble Ourselves Under the Mighty Hand of God
The way to humble ourselves unto God is to cast our cares upon Him.
To cast means to throw and to throw means to get rid of quickly.
Once we have adapted ourselves to casting all of our cares upon the Lord then we can actually live in peace.
Nothing will overtake us because we know to cast it upon the Lord and He will take care of it for us.
This along is good news and worth praising the Lord for, but there is still more good news.
Psalm 149:4 For the Lord takes pleasure in His People; He will beautify the humble with salvation.
The Lord takes pleasure in those who cast their cares upon Him and He will beautify them with His salvation.
Salvation means to be delivered, made safe, freed, rescue or defend.
It covers the whole of man Spirit, Soul and body.
Jesus paid the price for our salvation in every area of our lives but unless we are humble before the Lord, we might not receive His promises.
I am not saying He will without it from us.
I am saying a proud Spirit will stop us from receiving His blessings.
Anytime we try to work things out for ourselves without Him that is being proud and He will resist us.
God will beautify the humble with salvation.
We can say He will deliver us from anything that has bound us.
He will deliver us from the hand of the enemy and will prevent him from stealing, killing and destroying the blessing of God in our life.
Jesus has given us authority in His name.
We can bind and loose in His name, declare a thing in His name and it will be done, heal the sick in His name and cast out Demons in His name.
We can do nothing apart from Him.
It is the authority in His name that is doing the work.
We may be speaking the words but it is His authority that produces, so we are not being proud when we do it that way.
For example, we all know to stop or slow down when we see a Policeman raise his hand.
He does not have to say a word, just by raising his hand we know to stop or slow down.
We are not reacting to the Person but the authority that he represents.
He has all the authority of this Nation behind him to stop us, he knows it and we know it so we obey that authority.
Jesus name is above every name, it is the greatest authority so we use it to get what we want or need.
However, if we try to get what we want or need without Him then we are being proud and God will not beautify us.
If we want Him to beautify us with His salvation then being humble unto Him is the key.
Whatever we need Him to do for us; He will do it if we would cast that care upon Him.
To cast means to throw and to throw means to get rid of quickly.
Once we have adapted ourselves to casting all of our cares upon the Lord then we can actually live in peace.
Nothing will overtake us because we know to cast it upon the Lord and He will take care of it for us.
This along is good news and worth praising the Lord for, but there is still more good news.
Psalm 149:4 For the Lord takes pleasure in His People; He will beautify the humble with salvation.
The Lord takes pleasure in those who cast their cares upon Him and He will beautify them with His salvation.
Salvation means to be delivered, made safe, freed, rescue or defend.
It covers the whole of man Spirit, Soul and body.
Jesus paid the price for our salvation in every area of our lives but unless we are humble before the Lord, we might not receive His promises.
I am not saying He will without it from us.
I am saying a proud Spirit will stop us from receiving His blessings.
Anytime we try to work things out for ourselves without Him that is being proud and He will resist us.
God will beautify the humble with salvation.
We can say He will deliver us from anything that has bound us.
He will deliver us from the hand of the enemy and will prevent him from stealing, killing and destroying the blessing of God in our life.
Jesus has given us authority in His name.
We can bind and loose in His name, declare a thing in His name and it will be done, heal the sick in His name and cast out Demons in His name.
We can do nothing apart from Him.
It is the authority in His name that is doing the work.
We may be speaking the words but it is His authority that produces, so we are not being proud when we do it that way.
For example, we all know to stop or slow down when we see a Policeman raise his hand.
He does not have to say a word, just by raising his hand we know to stop or slow down.
We are not reacting to the Person but the authority that he represents.
He has all the authority of this Nation behind him to stop us, he knows it and we know it so we obey that authority.
Jesus name is above every name, it is the greatest authority so we use it to get what we want or need.
However, if we try to get what we want or need without Him then we are being proud and God will not beautify us.
If we want Him to beautify us with His salvation then being humble unto Him is the key.
Whatever we need Him to do for us; He will do it if we would cast that care upon Him.