About Electric Hot Dog Cookers
- Electric hot dog cookers are a beneficial way to cook a hot dog without the mess of boiling water or frying the hot dog in a pan. Electric hot dog cookers are useful at places such as sporting events, fairs and amusement parks where large amounts of people have to be served and the hot dogs need to be kept warm until serving.
- Electric hot dog cookers work in several different ways---they can be steamed by an element heating water at the base and creating steam to cook the dogs, pressure cooked in a glass or metal container that uses steam pressure to cook the hot dog or cooked and heated through with an electric element to give off heat to hot dogs above. Some feature a rotisserie function where they can be slow cooked to preserve flavor and juices.
- Many hot dog cookers feature rollers in which the hot dogs roll while receiving even heat distribution. Some cookers feature electric heating lamps that keep the hot dog warmed while being cost-effective at the same time. Most hot dog cookers are temperature regulated to determine how fast the hot dog will be cooked. Some hot dog cookers also feature bun warmers, which make serving convenient as well as tasty.
- You should consider what you will be using the hot dog cooker for, if it is for personal use for cooking only up to three or four hot dogs at time, you can look to residential cookers such as a small cooker from fresh source international. For commercial cookers used at large public venues, seek a commercial grade electric cooker that can cook several hot dogs at once as well as steam hot dogs to keep them hot and fresh.
- Electric hot dog cookers offer not only convenience but recognition as well. Some patrons and food-goers look for hot dog stands or electric hot dog cookers for where they want to order their food from as opposed to other stands. Electric hot dog cookers also make large scale distribution easy by being able to serve multiple patrons at the same time and then have the ability to quickly cook more hot dogs after the cooked dogs are served.