The Joy of My Salvation
Far from being a chubby kid in Sunday school, singing Jesus loves the little children with my heart out, listening to my teacher's funny snoring sounds of Samson and goofing around the church premises, I have become by God's grace a Bible believing, true believer in Jesus Christ.
Being saddled about with so many memory verses, Bible stories and action songs when I was a child did in some special way instill a knowledge and fear of God in me.
But being exposed to godly ways as a youth does not ensure one to have a consecrated and a life lived for God in the future.
Many so-called Christians grew up in the church but left God in their later years for the sake of pleasure, fame, or even just to have their ideal man or woman but unfortunately is a downright unbeliever Of God and His Salvation through Jesus Christ.
I can never judge them.
I can only guess- they were not saved in the first place, they just went to church for the sake of their parents so when they grew up they live, act, think like the world now without their parents' irritating reminders, or if they got saved indeed, they did not fathom the real meaning of salvation.
What is salvation then? The Bible says whosoever believeth in Jesus shall have everlasting life.
Salvation is simple, made simple by the complexities of what Jesus has done on the cross.
It is only by faith in Jesus that one becomes a Son of God and to have an eternal Home in heaven with God.
It is believing that there's nothing in oneself to do to make the soul sure of its future destiny.
It is to accept man's depravity, sinfulness and unrighteousness.
Salvation is repentance- turning away from the very sins that God abhors.
All are sinners and the only way to escape the fires of hell is to rely our soul in Jesus Christ and accept the love of God manifested on the cross.
It is believing Christ's substitionary death and the redemption of our soul through the Blood of Jesus Christ which cleanse away sins.
It is also believing that Christ's resurrection proves His deity and the Our Heavenly Father's acceptance of His Son's ultimate sacrifice.
Aside from knowing these "big stuffs" from a child, I did accept Jesus Christ's free offer of salvation.
I have believed Him to be my Lord and Personal Savior.
I know I am saved am sure about it.
When the sweetness of being saved turns bland the gospel just becomes comfortable.
He is my Almighty God over the weekend but God just seems to be just sitting on His throne, watching my every move, but unattached and uninvolved in my weekdays.
It is only after 10 years of being a Christian did I realize the wonder of what has God done for me.
A weak comparison would be like discovering the old big container you long used as a chair for washing clothes contains diamonds all along.
Going beyond theology books, church pamphlets, Christian magazines, daily devotionals, online sermons, I realized I WAS SAVED! The Bible says I am saved! Oh what joy! What Bliss! what peace beyond human understanding! Come to think of it and really be passionate about it- It is overwhelming that God's Son took my place on the cross! Hey, I was revived! It's like having altar calls everyday-- hearing the Preacher or The Holy Spirit shout, "Thank God you are saved! I should have been the one who shamefully died on the cross but Jesus did! He bore my sins! All my sins.
All my known and especially my hidden sins! He bore the sin of the world.
And what is more unthinkable is God the Father turned back on the Lord Jesus.
Having parents that has never turned back on me, it may seem cruel for me but the Bible says- "It pleased the Lord to bruise him..
"Isa 53:10.
It was so gross that the Lord Jesus cried with blood while praying to the Father before it all happened.
I believe I can never go to heaven without God's intervention and the only way was the Death of Christ.
God, the Spirit, became human and felt pain and agony for me.
Jesus my Savior was despised by His own father and by the people He loved so much.
All these for me! There can be no greater love than the love which Christ has revealed on the cross!.
My pen is not enough to express the joy of being loved, forgiven and saved! Redeemed! Now, I still cant understand why a sinner like me can have a Father like God and to know that nothing can separate from the Love of my Heavenly Father.
I can never say I don't sin now or I am self righteous, nor better than any one else.
I just cant help but to be grateful to God's everyday manifestation of His amazing grace! My prayers are to my Holy God in Heaven, the Supreme and Almighty God who has done everything for me.
No, I cant find any reason to turn back on God.
Sometimes I am afraid to stand for Him because I will be tested by what I declare.
Nevertheless, I just can't comprehend why I can let God down.
All that I am, all that I have, all that I have become all that I have accomplished is all for God's glory.
All my circumstances points to God.
All my problems bring me to my knees to draw me nearer to God.
I am in some way by God's grace, satisfied to know all my teachers' efforts, pastors' prayers, parents' pleading, friends' advices and husband's counsel did not go waste.
All goes back to my God who planned my life, slowly guiding, directing, molding me for His utmost pleasure and Glory!
Being saddled about with so many memory verses, Bible stories and action songs when I was a child did in some special way instill a knowledge and fear of God in me.
But being exposed to godly ways as a youth does not ensure one to have a consecrated and a life lived for God in the future.
Many so-called Christians grew up in the church but left God in their later years for the sake of pleasure, fame, or even just to have their ideal man or woman but unfortunately is a downright unbeliever Of God and His Salvation through Jesus Christ.
I can never judge them.
I can only guess- they were not saved in the first place, they just went to church for the sake of their parents so when they grew up they live, act, think like the world now without their parents' irritating reminders, or if they got saved indeed, they did not fathom the real meaning of salvation.
What is salvation then? The Bible says whosoever believeth in Jesus shall have everlasting life.
Salvation is simple, made simple by the complexities of what Jesus has done on the cross.
It is only by faith in Jesus that one becomes a Son of God and to have an eternal Home in heaven with God.
It is believing that there's nothing in oneself to do to make the soul sure of its future destiny.
It is to accept man's depravity, sinfulness and unrighteousness.
Salvation is repentance- turning away from the very sins that God abhors.
All are sinners and the only way to escape the fires of hell is to rely our soul in Jesus Christ and accept the love of God manifested on the cross.
It is believing Christ's substitionary death and the redemption of our soul through the Blood of Jesus Christ which cleanse away sins.
It is also believing that Christ's resurrection proves His deity and the Our Heavenly Father's acceptance of His Son's ultimate sacrifice.
Aside from knowing these "big stuffs" from a child, I did accept Jesus Christ's free offer of salvation.
I have believed Him to be my Lord and Personal Savior.
I know I am saved am sure about it.
When the sweetness of being saved turns bland the gospel just becomes comfortable.
He is my Almighty God over the weekend but God just seems to be just sitting on His throne, watching my every move, but unattached and uninvolved in my weekdays.
It is only after 10 years of being a Christian did I realize the wonder of what has God done for me.
A weak comparison would be like discovering the old big container you long used as a chair for washing clothes contains diamonds all along.
Going beyond theology books, church pamphlets, Christian magazines, daily devotionals, online sermons, I realized I WAS SAVED! The Bible says I am saved! Oh what joy! What Bliss! what peace beyond human understanding! Come to think of it and really be passionate about it- It is overwhelming that God's Son took my place on the cross! Hey, I was revived! It's like having altar calls everyday-- hearing the Preacher or The Holy Spirit shout, "Thank God you are saved! I should have been the one who shamefully died on the cross but Jesus did! He bore my sins! All my sins.
All my known and especially my hidden sins! He bore the sin of the world.
And what is more unthinkable is God the Father turned back on the Lord Jesus.
Having parents that has never turned back on me, it may seem cruel for me but the Bible says- "It pleased the Lord to bruise him..
"Isa 53:10.
It was so gross that the Lord Jesus cried with blood while praying to the Father before it all happened.
I believe I can never go to heaven without God's intervention and the only way was the Death of Christ.
God, the Spirit, became human and felt pain and agony for me.
Jesus my Savior was despised by His own father and by the people He loved so much.
All these for me! There can be no greater love than the love which Christ has revealed on the cross!.
My pen is not enough to express the joy of being loved, forgiven and saved! Redeemed! Now, I still cant understand why a sinner like me can have a Father like God and to know that nothing can separate from the Love of my Heavenly Father.
I can never say I don't sin now or I am self righteous, nor better than any one else.
I just cant help but to be grateful to God's everyday manifestation of His amazing grace! My prayers are to my Holy God in Heaven, the Supreme and Almighty God who has done everything for me.
No, I cant find any reason to turn back on God.
Sometimes I am afraid to stand for Him because I will be tested by what I declare.
Nevertheless, I just can't comprehend why I can let God down.
All that I am, all that I have, all that I have become all that I have accomplished is all for God's glory.
All my circumstances points to God.
All my problems bring me to my knees to draw me nearer to God.
I am in some way by God's grace, satisfied to know all my teachers' efforts, pastors' prayers, parents' pleading, friends' advices and husband's counsel did not go waste.
All goes back to my God who planned my life, slowly guiding, directing, molding me for His utmost pleasure and Glory!