When you let someone down

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When you let someone down a deep trust has been lost, sometimes the problem can easily be solved with an apology, and given reasonable explanation you could just walk away with a shrug of your shoulder and a smile. Yet there are many ways that someone can let you down, but depending on the severity of what has being done, disloyalaty may take a long time to be reconciled, and for trust to develop again.

But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. Hebrews 6:9

We can call it disappointment when we expected better result to accompanied faith, and build on the advantage to fulfil promises that were made to God with solemn vows, here we are warned to keep up good works of love and holiness, lest we should fall from our own steadfastness.  

How do you feel when other people let you down?

We all fail, and sometimes we fail miserably, by letting down the ones that loves us most, but some failures are greater than others and could have lasting consequences. And it doesn't matter how hard we try afterwards to make compensation, we can never successfully repair the damage that was done.

When someone makes a promise to you that they can't keep, but lack the decency to apologies in time, it puts all your other plans for the day out of proportion, but always have a backup plan, and the next time that they coming crying to you, find a way to go past their indiscipline, because instantly, you will remember how they let you down the last time, and you will not be so naïve to believe them again.  

Some people will let you down because we have unrealistic expectations

People let others down sometime because of unrealistic expectation, so they are not honest enough to say what's on their minds, well; they have problem, and they lack conviction of being open and honest. This is more in their personality traits, and it requires sorting out, not just praying over the demise as a temporal distraction, but the answer is hidden deep in the soul, and only by digging at the roots will they find what is causing this anomaly.

Don't let mistakes that wasn't done on purpose spoil your relationship  

Other people who let you down are in a different category, their problem could be with circumstances, work schedule changes, relationship problems, hearing sudden unexpected sad news, and it could be situation beyond their control, severe illness, urgent business closure, therefore they may let you down unintentionally and in most cases they will apologies and try to make good on their promise.

Some people will let you down purposely

Here are the baser sort, they will volunteer to do things that they really can't manage, but lack the sincerity to tell you the truth, in the background of their lives there is a constant warring spirit, and they will pretend to be supporting you in whatever venture that you are doing, but in secret; they have no respect for you, and it doesn't matter how good you are to them, eventually they will try to destroy you. So be cautious, because not everything that glitter is made up of real gold. This group will display flattery to deceive you, their love is only surface deep, and they will only work with the sense of pattern to please themselves.

Sometimes we let ourselves down

Sometimes when we let ourselves down, it leaves a gutted feeling that concedes defeat. And we need reassurance from the scriptures or from a friend. Many times we may need to hear the truth firmly spoken, even though we are our own worst critic, the truth has power to set us free from low esteem, peer pressure, lack of confidence and moral declining principles.

There is a lot of danger from false brethren, more than what you would get from your outside enemies, God might can forgive them, but you will be disappointed with their actions.  There was a metal worker who showed bitter hostility towards the apostle Paul's character, his behavior was contemptible, often bad mouthing and reviled Paul as a man of low integrity, and the scripture shows the insolence of the man.

Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: 2 Timothy 4:14

We are loved by the Lord as the chosen people of God, as such, in the consequences of being loved by God we should not be falling away and become a disappointment to each other and to the unbelievers, who are constantly watching and waiting for Christians to make mistakes, then they blow it up like a balloon, and make it look worse than it is, so it will give them ammunition for doubting our sincerity.  

Even while we speaking in this tone, we should have a serious conviction concerning what we are doing. While the urge is to abstain from things that war against the spirit, we should be conscious that they eyes of the world are upon the Christian community.

Jude felt compelled to write and urge us to contend for the faith that was once entrusted to God's holy people. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was necessary for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Jude 1:3

We are persuaded better things of you

For it is impossible, for those who have once been enlightened, and who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit to renew them back if they fall away.

For they will have taken on seven more wicked spirit, than what they had initially. We need people to remind each other about the principles of salvation which accompanies us in the work of faith and the deeds of love, to prevent bad habits turning into acceptable behavior.

What are the things that accompany salvation?

The ingredients which accompanies salvation are straight forward, here are some in parts that we have adopted, faith, love, peace joy, signification, which we follow with mutual respect for each other, they are to be consistent with the general way of holy living, and they are also emblems to make a person walk more circumspectly.

Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. Luke 5:4

When we see things been let down in the scriptures it is usually for a good purpose, Paul being let down in a basket, the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket. Acts 9:25

Go about the duties of calling with cheerfulness

The apostle gives a strong warning, "beloved, we are persuaded better things of you", and introduced love as a cautionary tool to remind believers of their responsibility, and not to take their salvation lightly, but consider the principles which are linked unto salvation and they are better than thorn bearing, which is only good for burning.  The apostle comes down hard on this one and say things to remind us of our duties.


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