Are You Looking For A Work At Home Opportunity? Watch Out!
If you happen to be one of the thousands of individuals out there looking to make extra money or a living from working at home for God's sake watch out.
The entire "home based" anything market is full of more snakes than that cave from the Indiana Jones movie!It's an ugly, ugly situation that you will probably come away from saying, "Screw It!I'm just keeping my horrible job and never going to make any real money!" Before I go any further, let me preface this article by saying that I have no vested interest in the "Opportunity" Market.
Your not going to find links to "opportunities" ofany kind in my resource box.
But before I came to the realization that I had to follow my passion (which has worked by the way), I tried many of these so-called opportunities to no avail.
My thought is that in writing this article, it may help just one person realize that these opportunities aren't actually anything other than hype designed to take their money.
If you are looking for an opportunity, just be careful.
The people selling these so called "work at home" are more slippery than a greased snake.
Here's my first piece of advice:If the entire focus of their pitch is how much money can be made and how quickly, run!The promise of money is no reason to get mixed up with these people, not to mention the fact that money is never made quickly (other than in the lottery and stock market).
The next piece of advice is this:If they claim that they'll do all or most of the work, run!Do you remember what your mother told you?You don't get something for nothing.
She was right my friends, so why would a company pay you if they do all of the work?It doesn't even make sense! The last piece of advice I have is this:Follow your passion It wasn't until I finally said to myself, "Screw it, if I'm going to go down, I'm going to go down doing something I have a passion for!" that I've achieved any level of success.
All of the other times that I got into these "opportunities", it was for the promise of money, and what happened?I failed every time!I didn't start actually making any money until I stopped worrying about whether or not I would make money.
I realize this sounds like an oxymoron, and in many ways is, but it's still a fact.
The bottom line is that if you're in the market for one of these "opportunities", just watch out.
As you will find out, most of the information you will receive will be from people trying to sell you something.
I'm not trying to sell you anything, unless of course you happen to be in the market for some fishing gear.
These are simply some of the things that I've learned.
The entire "home based" anything market is full of more snakes than that cave from the Indiana Jones movie!It's an ugly, ugly situation that you will probably come away from saying, "Screw It!I'm just keeping my horrible job and never going to make any real money!" Before I go any further, let me preface this article by saying that I have no vested interest in the "Opportunity" Market.
Your not going to find links to "opportunities" ofany kind in my resource box.
But before I came to the realization that I had to follow my passion (which has worked by the way), I tried many of these so-called opportunities to no avail.
My thought is that in writing this article, it may help just one person realize that these opportunities aren't actually anything other than hype designed to take their money.
If you are looking for an opportunity, just be careful.
The people selling these so called "work at home" are more slippery than a greased snake.
Here's my first piece of advice:If the entire focus of their pitch is how much money can be made and how quickly, run!The promise of money is no reason to get mixed up with these people, not to mention the fact that money is never made quickly (other than in the lottery and stock market).
The next piece of advice is this:If they claim that they'll do all or most of the work, run!Do you remember what your mother told you?You don't get something for nothing.
She was right my friends, so why would a company pay you if they do all of the work?It doesn't even make sense! The last piece of advice I have is this:Follow your passion It wasn't until I finally said to myself, "Screw it, if I'm going to go down, I'm going to go down doing something I have a passion for!" that I've achieved any level of success.
All of the other times that I got into these "opportunities", it was for the promise of money, and what happened?I failed every time!I didn't start actually making any money until I stopped worrying about whether or not I would make money.
I realize this sounds like an oxymoron, and in many ways is, but it's still a fact.
The bottom line is that if you're in the market for one of these "opportunities", just watch out.
As you will find out, most of the information you will receive will be from people trying to sell you something.
I'm not trying to sell you anything, unless of course you happen to be in the market for some fishing gear.
These are simply some of the things that I've learned.