How Does an Invisible Fence Work?
- An invisible fence is a system that is used to keep animals inside a designated area so that they stay safe. This area must be outside. The invisible fence also gives pet owners a break because they don't have to watch their pet every time they let them outside. The animals will be able to play outside much longer. Invisible fences must be professionally installed, and owners must be taught how to use them.
- An invisible fence is installed by a professional. A hole is dug around the area you have designated for your pet. This will be a full circle or square. If you are using the area around the back of your house, the hole would begin at one side of the house, go around the back, and end up at the other side of the house. Once the hole is dug, a wire is inserted in the hole all the way around. The hole is then covered. Because the wire is covered up and no one sees it, it is called an invisible fence. The wire emits a radio frequency sound that your pet will be able to hear. If the pet tries to cross over the wire, it will get a shock.
- A special collar is put on the pet. The collar has two metal prongs and a little box. The box emits a sound that only the animal can hear whenever it gets too close to the invisible fence (underground wire). The pet must be trained that the sound will lead to a shock if it continues. So the pet is trained by taking it across the wire and having it get shocked. After a few times, the pet quickly catches on to the sound it hears before the shock, and then it stays away from the boundaries and remains safely in the designated area. The installer will help you with this process until your pet understands the system.
What is an Invisible Fence
How is an Invisible Fence Installed?
How Does Your Pet Use an Invisible Fence?