Individual Health Insurance Explained
But what is an individual health care plan? How does one get an insurance plan like this? How the cost for an individual med insurance calculated? How it is different from other medical insurances? These are just some of the questions that you may ask in finding the most appropriate health insurance that will get yourself covered with.
An individual medical care is a type of coverage that could be purchased independently and not through an employer or as a job benefit.
This insurance could be sold to a single individual, meaning it could be for yourself or for your family.
Usually, it can be purchased from a licensed private healthcare provider which cost is computed primarily with your health status and age.
This is determined or based from the health information that you have submitted upon application.
This is why at most, people with pre-existing conditions when applying for an individual health care plan are often rejected and that generally, insurance companies have the right to do so under the rules and insurance laws.
The greatest drawback of an individual health care is its limited nature.
With an individual medical insurance, there is a lesser coverage for illnesses which is deemed "uninsurable" like drug abuse.
The company has also the discretion not to cover serious illnesses like cancer and infectious diseases.
Moreover, deductibles, coinsurance and health care cost will be higher for people who are older and less healthy.
Is it really an affordable medical insurance? For people with employers and job-based insurance plan, individual health insurance could be expensive.
For those uninsured or self employed, this could be the most appropriate health plan that you can get.
One thing is certain anyways, it is always better to be safe with a health insurance coverage than be sorry and sorrowful when you are caught with soaring medical expenses and hospital bills.
So, you decide, don't temp yourself to go without med insurance even if it will take a great slice from your tight budget.