How to Make a Lawn Mower Bagger Zipper Work Better
- 1). Brush the accumulated grass and other debris from the teeth of the zipper with each use. The tensile strands of an unused paintbrush can easily reach between the teeth of the zipper and dislodge anything stuck between the zipper teeth that can cause the zipper to function poorly or fail. Swipe the paintbrush across the teeth of the zipper in a to-and-fro motion down the entire length of the zipper.
- 2). Lubricate the cleaned teeth of the zipper with a lightweight lubricating spray or oil. This will help the zipper to operate more smoothly and will help to prevent rust and mineral buildup on metal zippers. Alternatively, try running the tip of a lead pencil over all of the teeth on both sides to help the zipper operate smoothly.
- 3). Wipe the zipper down with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth after emptying the bagger of clippings. This will help to remove moisture that can lead to rust and other deposits along the zipper that cause it to catch and, over time, prevent the teeth from matching up perfectly.