How Can You Kill Rattlesnakes?
- 1). Call your local animal control or police department to confirm the legalities of killing a rattlesnake. Many states and cities ban the killing of snakes, including venomous rattlesnakes. Other jurisdictions have specific regulations on how to kill and dispose of them.
- 2). Put on protective pants and boots. Quietly and cautiously, approach the snake from behind, attempting to be covert. Be sure to stay out of the snake's striking distance, which is usually a third to half its overall length. The typical rattlesnake is 3 to 4 feet in length, making 2 feet a safe distance in most circumstances. Use a long-handled hoe or shovel to sever the snake's head.
- 3). Scoop up the dead rattlesnake with a long-handled shovel, making sure not to touch the snake as it will still have a biting reflex even after death. Dispose of the body appropriately, in accordance with local regulations, within 24 hours.