What Is Family Heritage?
- Going on the same vacation each year can be a family tradition.Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of Matt Montagne
Gathering at a specific place or for an annual family celebration can be one tradition that is unique to your family. Even little things can become traditions, such as always letting your grandfather tell a story before dessert can be served. - Where you come from is part of your heritage.Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of Beverly
Your particular family's history becomes a key part of your heritage. Being the child of immigrants, being the child of the family who settled your hometown, being part of a family that moves often--all of these are particular to your own family heritage. - Family memories are part of your heritage.Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of Jesse Millan
The memories and stories that are known only to your family are passed down from one generation to the next and are a special element in creating your family heritage. - Your heritage can include your looks as well.Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of Karen Murnane
Physical traits inherited from your ancestors are also part of your heritage. The "family" nose, the long legs you got from your grandfather, the curly hair that no one but you and your uncle inherited--these are physical representations of your family. - Even natural elements can be part of your heritage.Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of Ville Miettinen
Heritage most often refers to family heritage, but it can be used in relation to cultural or natural heritage. Cultural heritage is what you inherit by being part of a particular nationality (like the Hispanic tradition to celebrate the Day of the Dead). Natural heritage refers to the land and environment that is inherited by anyone who lives in that area (for example, the Rocky Mountains are part of any American's natural heritage).
Physical Traits
Other Types of Heritage