How to Teach Children About Native American Cultures

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    • 1). Teach children not to make generalizations about Native American Indians, as the customs of each tribe are varied and unique. Since the U.S. population includes hundreds of different groups of Native Americans with different languages and cultures, a positive awareness of individual differences should be encouraged.

    • 2). Advocate increased diversity for your child’s curriculum. Cultural diversity should be introduced in the classroom starting at the preschool level. Parents should spend time in their children’s classrooms in order to see for themselves just how the classroom functions, and how their child fits within the classroom dynamic.

    • 3). Explain to children that American Indian customs have changed over time. Like other cultures, the way people live today differs from how they lived in the past. Also, explain that many American Indians speak their Native dialects as a way to maintain tribal customs.

    • 4). Invite a member of an Indian tribe into the classroom as a guest speaker to talk about Native American history and traditions. An older tribe member may be able to offer more information as to what life was like in the past. For example, he can explain how tribal elders previously played a fundamental role in the family dynamic and in most cases were the primary disciplinarians of children.

    • 5). Use toys to pass on to children the traditions of Native American culture. Play allows children to learn not only about themselves, but about other people as well. American Indian children, like all children, should be allowed to play with toys that prepare them for adult roles. Toys such as dolls fashioned from cornstalks and cattails, or child-sized bows and spears can be used to teach children today what Native American life was like generations ago.

    • 6). Plan fieldtrips to visit Indian exhibits at museums. Many offer interactive, hands-on exhibits, which teach children about the culture and customs of specific American Indian tribes.

    • 7). Select books about Native American Indian cultures carefully. Do not read to children from literature that reinforces negative stereotypes. Choose reading materials that provide accurate facts about Native American Indian cultures and which depict American Indians as part of the overall community.

    • 8). Encourage children to read about Native American Indian cultures, but select the books carefully. Do not suggest literature that reinforces stereotypes. Instead, recommend reading materials, which provide accurate facts about Native American and other cultures. Reading materials should depict American Indians as part of the overall community.

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