The Best Looking Police Uniforms
- A police motorcycle parked outside the Duomo in Milan, Italy.Thinkstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Fashioned by the Italian designer Valentino, and marked by a silver flame crowning the hat and a red stripe along the leg, the uniform of the Italian National Police force also has the distinction of being black instead of variations of blue like many other European police uniforms. The white band commonly worn across the chest has the dual purpose of carrying ammunition as well as signifying if the officer is on duty. - The Mounties were originally formed to police the fledgling north and western Canadian territories.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
This dashing uniform, reminiscent of the days when the Northwest Mounted Police patrolled the wild Yukon frontier more than 100 years ago, also shuns the typical blue hues that mark most police uniforms. The red jacket, leather boots, riding pants and general lack of cumbersome frills that Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald insisted on for the new western constabulary remain today. The Mountie uniform has gone through some changes and variations, and the "red serge" is now just for ceremonial purposes, but this iconic uniform is still very distinct. - The history of outfitting this police force began in an admirable way; the leather boots, sheepskin coats and black rain slickers were all manufactured in Rhode Island whenever possible. Designed for inclement weather that changes quickly, and using colors like black, tan and grey instead of blue, the uniforms are versatile and robust. They also recall the early days of the force when all recruits were required to train with horses.
- The Washington State Patrol won the NAUMD Award for Best Dressed Police Force in 2007, and given the versatility and detail of these uniforms, the prize was well deserved. The winter uniform, which is usually worn for formal events such as public speaking or legislative duties, is symbolic of the style sported by the rest of the force. Black knee-high boots are complemented by a stadium-style coat, black necktie and felt campaign hat.
I Carabinieri
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
The Rhode Island State Police
The Washington State Patrol