Christian Health Insurance - A Unique Approach to Healthcare
If you end up losing your job, and you have a pre-existing condition, you are pretty much out of luck.
A Christian plan can provide coverage in the interim.
Even more interesting is the sense of community these types of arrangements bring.
With most secular health insurance companies, money is the primary goal.
However, with a Christian provider, the main goal is to promote a person's spiritual well-being.
In fact, spirituality is common theme with Christian health insurance.
It begins with the principle of helping others in need.
The premiums that members pay go into a special pool that benefits everyone.
Any time this pool is touched, other members are notified.
This is not to cause strife or controversy.
Instead, it is a way of helping members stay in touch with those who might be suffering more.
Letters and emails can be exchanged to help show spiritual support.
With a secular insurance plan, there is no communication among members in the network.
Everything remains sterile and impersonal.
As far as pre-existing conditions, things vary.
Some providers of Christian health insurance might be more understanding, especially if they feel a condition was out of your control.
Others take a stricter view.
Pre-existing ailments receive no coverage, and could even be a basis for denial.
If you are accepted despite the fact, you must undergo a spiritual regime to get your health in order.
You may also be encouraged to work one-on-one with a health counselor.
During these sessions, you will learn what you need to do physically to maintain your health.
If a condition occurs during the time you have coverage, a Christian health insurance policy works like any other.
There is a caveat, though.
If you develop a condition from a "sinful" activity, the provider may not offer coverage.
Out-of-wedlock pregnancy is an example.
Should this occur, you would have to pay for the expenses on your own.
There might also be the possibility of getting dropped from the network, since you must abide by Christian principles in order to keep your membership.
For many people, this may not make Christian health insurance an attractive alternative.
But it could have a benefit that many people don't think about.
If you are struggling with a certain type of sin, a Christian healthcare provider's strict standards would encourage you to avoid that activity.
It may also bring you to atonement quicker, since the company's disapproval would help you realize how wrong your actions are.
If you need assistance in locating particular coverages at a pre-determined price, we can help you find a reduce health insurance premium today.