Night Photography, Low Light Photography, How to Master It
The effect is amazing. What is a dark winter night has become daytime with the magic of night photography. Distant mountains, their image filtered through crystal clear night air, show up sharp, with shapes, and edges no human eye can see. Trees in the foreground cast shadows, and from all indications, it could be a clear sunny day, and the sky, black as ink, now shows a clear blue hue. To the trained eye, however, one sees things you would not see in a daytime photo. The stars, invisible during daytime, now show up, clear and bright, with tails, as the extended shot picks up the earths movement. A jet airliner, departing from the airport miles away, strobes across the distant sky, leaving a light streak in its wake. I shoot photo after photo, until my fingers, stiff from cold, force me back into my warm automobile, and back home, where I load the photos onto my computer. Again, I marvel at the clarity of the shots. I can't wait to try it again.
It is fun to shoot in low light. Since then, I have shot scenes of campfires, highway traffic, more moonshots, and the like. Newer cameras, like the Nikon D80, and other great DSLRs can do insane things now, but like all equipment, alot depends on the user. I have shot scenes, where a bird has crossed the line of sight, and it is truly eerie to see the ghostly image on the photo. I have had many opportunities to shoot photos at night and in low light, and though I have a flash, I rarely use it. For me, a tripod, wireless remote, and above all, lots of patience is key to great night and other specialty photography.
For more ideas and tips, here is a great resource to learn from!