Wholesale Designer Handbags - How to Get Real Wholesale Designer Handbags
A wholesale designer handbag business has a lot of potential.
This is because there is a huge market for designer handbags.
The handbags keep coming in new styles and fashions and a few handbags are never enough for women.
As if that was not enough, designers have recently introduces designer handbags for men and college going students to carry their laptops etc.
Since designer bags define style and status, every one wants to have them and have them in the latest style and the minimum cost.
The good part about wholesale designer handbags is that it is offered to you at such low rates that, even if you sell it for a price, much lower than the retail price, you will still earn profit.
But the important thing is where to find these wholesalers.
Wholesaler for designer bags must be trust worthy, or they could easily fool you in to selling a designer handbag to your customer and then sending the customer a replica one! Also you will get lower discounts on the fake wholesale handbags, as these wholesalers do not sell real wholesale bags, they are actually the middle men, who buy from real wholesalers and derive their profit from the bags before selling them to you! This results in low profits for you! Also they may send your customer a second hand or damaged bag, which got damaged during the delivery due to poor packing! How to make sure the wholesaler you are dealing with is original? Well there is no formula to find out and no rules to avoid them either, as the internet is full of scams and people keep coming up with more new scams.
Thus the best way to get hold of the real wholesalers is to get them from well known directories such as SaleHoo.
These directories may charge you some membership fees, but it is worth saving yourself from unnecessary headache.
These directories investigate about the wholesalers work history, background and check their ID.
They only hire the original ones and have experience in differentiating the real from the fake.
That is why you should always get you wholesale handbags from a wholesaler that you got to know through these authentic directories.
This is because there is a huge market for designer handbags.
The handbags keep coming in new styles and fashions and a few handbags are never enough for women.
As if that was not enough, designers have recently introduces designer handbags for men and college going students to carry their laptops etc.
Since designer bags define style and status, every one wants to have them and have them in the latest style and the minimum cost.
The good part about wholesale designer handbags is that it is offered to you at such low rates that, even if you sell it for a price, much lower than the retail price, you will still earn profit.
But the important thing is where to find these wholesalers.
Wholesaler for designer bags must be trust worthy, or they could easily fool you in to selling a designer handbag to your customer and then sending the customer a replica one! Also you will get lower discounts on the fake wholesale handbags, as these wholesalers do not sell real wholesale bags, they are actually the middle men, who buy from real wholesalers and derive their profit from the bags before selling them to you! This results in low profits for you! Also they may send your customer a second hand or damaged bag, which got damaged during the delivery due to poor packing! How to make sure the wholesaler you are dealing with is original? Well there is no formula to find out and no rules to avoid them either, as the internet is full of scams and people keep coming up with more new scams.
Thus the best way to get hold of the real wholesalers is to get them from well known directories such as SaleHoo.
These directories may charge you some membership fees, but it is worth saving yourself from unnecessary headache.
These directories investigate about the wholesalers work history, background and check their ID.
They only hire the original ones and have experience in differentiating the real from the fake.
That is why you should always get you wholesale handbags from a wholesaler that you got to know through these authentic directories.