How You Can Prevent and Cure Premature Ejaculation Without Using Any Drugs Or Other Dangerous Pills
Millions of men around the world suffer from what many consider an extremely frustrating and potentially soul crushing problem.
This in part stems from the fact that ejaculation problems directly affect what many men and society consider to be their source of power, their penis.
Despite how crushing a problem it can be, the good news is that there are a wide variety of treatments available.
Many of these treatments are also completely natural and will allow you to permanently suffer any problem you may currently be having without the use of drugs or other potentially harmful pills.
Just one way you can achieve this is through the use of masturbation.
You are probably wondering how masturbation can help an ejaculation problem, but the truth is that it has really proven to be a useful remedy for many men.
It has shown to be effective because it allows you to overcome the inability of not being able to hold on for a long time before you need to release.
Through the use of masturbation you are able to train yourself to hold on longer.
When you know you are about to ejaculate, quickly stop and let the feeling subside.
Once it has passed you continue masturbating and repeat the process.
Eventually you will be able to increase how long you can last before you release as you have conditioned your body through the use of masturbation.
It may take some time but this is definitely one alternative solution you should consider.
Masturbating might not be what you are looking for or perhaps you just want to keep your options open.
If this is the case then another good method is the use of kegel exercises.
These exercises were originally intended for pregnant women, but many men have found that it has greatly reduced and even in some cases completely cured their ejaculation problems.
Another solution is to focus on satisfying your partner instead of your own problem.
While this won't actually fix or cure your ejaculation problem, what it will do is make sure that your partner is satisfied.
This is a big concern for many men who fear that not being able to last very long will result in an unhappy and unsatisfied partner.
Spend a little extra time engaged in foreplay and this will allow both you and your partner to climax together, reducing your need to worry about them being happy or not.