Flowers That Keep Away Bugs
- Planting flowers that repel insects can be a lovely and natural way to keep a healthy lawn and garden. Certain blooms use their scent to repel specific kinds of insect pests, like aphids, mosquitoes and beetles. Organic gardeners often plant flowers that repel bugs near their vegetables. Insect-repelling flowers are safer for pets and children around a home, although they are not always as effective as applied pesticides.
- These popular insect-repelling flowers are hardy and bright with large, full blooms. Most marigolds have a strong scent that serve to turn bugs away. Even humans may find too much marigold sniffing unpleasant. Organic gardeners use the flower around their plants to repel aphids, but also keep mosquitoes at bay. Marigolds come in many varieties, but most often grow less than 1 foot tall and come in yellow, gold, orange or a combination of those colors. The flowers grow in sunny or partly sunny spots in the yard. Pinching off the first flowers before they bloom will result in more flowers throughout the season. Pinch off dead flowers to allow for new growth.
- Ageratum produces many small flowers that appear almost fuzzy. The plant has coumarin, which repels mosquitoes. It is even used in some mosquito repellents. However, the plant in its natural state can irritate the skin if it is applied directly, so they should be kept in the ground. These compact annual plants grow about 6 to 8 inches tall. They are ideal bedding flowers for rock gardens, flower beds and pots. The flowers are often a blue-purple color, although they come in pink and white as well. These plants are sun-loving, so they should be planted in full to partial light. They will still bloom in partial shade. Ageratum do not require special soil conditions, and they are fairly drought tolerant.
- Nasturtiums are useful companion plants in vegetable gardens and around fruit trees. They repel beetles, white flies and squash bugs. They also serve as a trap plant for aphids. Nasturtiums produce brightly colored flowers that are almost carefree once they are established. The flowers, which look like tissue paper, are also used widely as a garnish in salads, soups and other dishes. Nasturtiums have a spicy flavor, and the hotter the climate, the hotter the plant's spiciness. The dark green leaves are also edible. The flowers come in many bright and unusual colors, adding interest to any lawn or garden. Nasturtium's dual purpose of repelling insects and serving as a spicy food makes this flower a smart addition around any house.