Some Tips For Writing Your CV
It is your first step when contacting an employer whilst searching for a new job, and its contents can mean all the difference between you been offered an interview or being rejected out of hand.
Therefore a lot of attention should be paid in putting the document together.
Here are some CV writing tips to help you.
In writing a CV you are seeking to impress a potential employer.
So the way the document is laid out and formatted as well as its contents are very important.
You should head the document with your name, address, contact number and email address, which should be written in bold type.
If you have a humorous or off beat email address then find another one or it will make you look unprofessional.
Then you should include a brief introductory paragraph introducing yourself and stating why you are suitable for the post.
Following that you should then list your education and educational attainments, going back from your last place of study to secondary school.
Then you should list your work history, including positions held.
If the skills from your previous work are relevant to the job you are applying for then make sure these are given emphasis.
If you have been out of education for a long period of time, you can list your work history ahead of your education.
Even though a good CV has to be quite detailed and contains a lot of essential information about yourself, it must be concise.
Employers do not have time to read through pages and pages of rambling text from a hopeful applicant.
Remember your CV is aimed only at getting you invited for the interview where you will be given more opportunities to give more information for about yourself, so keep the document to a maximum of two pages of A4 sized paper.
You can ensure brevity by giving just a few details about work you did more than 10 years ago.
Also, only list qualifications that are directly relevant for the position you are seeking.
Do not put anything that is false or only a half truth in your CV.
If you are accepted for the position you are applying for and then are found to have lied in your CV you could be dismissed and your professional reputation left in tatters.
And here is one tip that must never be forgotten.
Before sending it off check the document for spelling and grammatical errors.
Just one mistake can ruin a perfectly put together CV.