Friends in Our Relationships
When we have problems within our relationships, we tend to go to our friends with the problem and ask for advice.
Its great to have friends and go to them for advice but it doesn't mean we must take the advice all the time.
Most of the time our friends will have our best interest at heart, the problem is, they are not in your relationship.
We can all have a moan about our relationship and if we moan too much, on the outside, it will appear that we have a very unhappy relationship when this may not really be the case.
Behind close doors we all have much different relationships to what our friends may see.
The problem is, if you go to your friends with all your relationship problems, then they may judge it wrong.
Not meaning to, but they can only go by what you tell them.
Most of the time, we can paint a picture worse than what it is because we are angry at the time.
No one sees what really goes on behind those closed doors apart from you and your partner.
I know in the past I must have given some really bad advice in my teenage years as I was very anti men.
I believed all men were useless and just out for what they could get.
Most of my advice was quite negative.
It was very hard for me to see the good in men.
So in future when you do go to a friend for advice, look at the state of their relationship first, or see what their views on men are first.
No one is perfect, there is going to be ups and downs in all relationships.
Just because you have had an argument about money or the children, there is no need for you to go running to a friend with all the information.
Don't always go moaning to your friend.
You may be really happy with your partner, but with all the moaning and complaining to your Friends it does not come across that way, so the advice could be negative, which will not help your relationship indoors.
Moan at him instead, until you feel better about the situation.
Of course as women we will speak about our relationships.
what I am saying is don't share your whole relationship with your friends, its none of their business really.
If you do tend to share things with your friends, make sure its the good things too.
This way you can attract more goodness into your relationship.
Its great to have friends and go to them for advice but it doesn't mean we must take the advice all the time.
Most of the time our friends will have our best interest at heart, the problem is, they are not in your relationship.
We can all have a moan about our relationship and if we moan too much, on the outside, it will appear that we have a very unhappy relationship when this may not really be the case.
Behind close doors we all have much different relationships to what our friends may see.
The problem is, if you go to your friends with all your relationship problems, then they may judge it wrong.
Not meaning to, but they can only go by what you tell them.
Most of the time, we can paint a picture worse than what it is because we are angry at the time.
No one sees what really goes on behind those closed doors apart from you and your partner.
I know in the past I must have given some really bad advice in my teenage years as I was very anti men.
I believed all men were useless and just out for what they could get.
Most of my advice was quite negative.
It was very hard for me to see the good in men.
So in future when you do go to a friend for advice, look at the state of their relationship first, or see what their views on men are first.
No one is perfect, there is going to be ups and downs in all relationships.
Just because you have had an argument about money or the children, there is no need for you to go running to a friend with all the information.
Don't always go moaning to your friend.
You may be really happy with your partner, but with all the moaning and complaining to your Friends it does not come across that way, so the advice could be negative, which will not help your relationship indoors.
Moan at him instead, until you feel better about the situation.
Of course as women we will speak about our relationships.
what I am saying is don't share your whole relationship with your friends, its none of their business really.
If you do tend to share things with your friends, make sure its the good things too.
This way you can attract more goodness into your relationship.