Best Penis Enlargement - Not All Programs Are Created Equally, See What Works and What Doesn"t!
Everywhere you turn you would see countless ads about penis enlargement, all promoting some sort of products from weights to pumps to supplements.
The funny thing about the whole business is that none of them are really effective.
Placing a bet in the lottery is even better since you actually have a shot at winning.
Not only are these gimmicks a total waste of money, they can be downright dangerous.
Putting on weights on your penis, for example, can pose great harm on the tissues surrounding it.
Men who have purchased weights and hung it on their penises have reported difficulty of erection after.
Those who have tried vacuuming their penises through pumps have experienced swelling, discomfort, and ultimately loss of sensation following the practice.
It has also been discovered that the pills and supplements being sold for penile enhancement actually do not contain the vitamins and minerals that they claim to have when advertised.
In fact, researches who run laboratory tests on them even describe them as potentially harmful.
It would be pointless to spend your money on something that has been said to be ineffective time and again.
If you do have considerable amount of money to pursue this thing, you might as well just go for surgery.
There are some surgical procedures that are generally acknowledged to solve this problem, although some doctors maintain that they do not guarantee success on all subjects.
Urologists perform these surgeries, but even with the advancement training that they receive, still the success rate remains to be only about 40 percent.
One technique that is now widely used is cutting off the suspensory ligament that connects your thing to the pelvic bone.
The skin is then moved from the lower abdomen to the shaft extension.
This would actually lengthen your penis although many patients have complained deformities and irregularities in erection after recovery.
Another procedure that's been making the rounds lately is the grafting of skin from another part of the body to the penis.
This technique is applicable to those wanting to thicken their thing.
But since the skin being transferred isn't a part of the original host of skin surrounding the penis, you may experience loss of sensation and inability to enjoy the sexual act.
So what is the best penis enlargement method then? Not surprising, if you want to enlarge your penis, the best way to do it is the all natural way.
This means that you will be exercising your penis with your hands.
Penis exercises are getting very popular these days as they are proven to give great results.
Unlike pumps, pills and surgery, exercises lengthen the penis by allowing more blood to flow into the penis chambers.
There are various programs online that you can follow.
All you need is about 6-10 minutes per day and you can see great results in a few weeks time.
Remember you should not try to do this without a guide as you may cause harm to your penis in the long run.