What Protection Do I Use When Using Muriatic Acid?
- Wear long sleeves, long pants and a cap if possible. The last thing that you want to do is splash acid onto your arms, legs, or into your hair. You might want to layer your shirts since the arms are in contact the most.
- Use a good pair of eye protectors that completely seal the eyes off to protect them from any acid liquid or fumes. Because you will be looking into the direction that you are working, the brush will sometimes sprinkle bits of acid into the air and directly into your eyes -- wear your glasses at all costs.
- Wear long rubber gloves that are thick and able to withstand exposure to acid. Failure to to so will result in acid burns and irritation on your hands and arms.
- Always wear a dust mask to prevent inhalation of any acid fumes. When the acid is mixed, it will emit visible fumes that could severely burn the lungs.