Why You Should Be Worried About Your Dandruff Condition
Most people do not take it seriously though.
Even when I used to have dandruff, I didn't pay too much attention to it as I always thought it didn't really matter.
After all, what was it? A little bit of itching once in a while.
I did use Head & Shoulders or some other shampoo once or twice, but that was it.
No real action to eliminate the dandruff was taken.
And it's the same with most people.
It wasn't until my partner started complaining about the weird smell of my hair that I started looking in to the issue seriously.
I felt embarrassed.
From that point on I was conscious of my dandruff.
I was worried about what my hair dresser would think when he notices all that dandruff.
I was worried if my colleagues were aware of it.
Most people recognize the severity of their dandruff in similar ways.
It is often someone close to you who tells you the truth to you.
After all, that's what's meant by being close, isn't it? That brings us back to the question as to when you should start worrying about dandruff.
My answer is: NOW.
The point is, dandruff, though it comes out only as a slight discomfort to us, might prove to be really unpleasant for our friends and colleagues.
It seriously tarnishes your image, and people's ideas about your cleanliness.
Imagine noticing all those dandruff flakes on someone you just met.
What would be your first impression of him? Yes, we know that we take showers and use all those shampoos, but still we do have dandruff.
But when you see it on someone else, your immediate reaction will be not positive.
It's the same with all the others who are meeting you.
God knows how many potential contacts we must have lost because of it.
Again, think of all the interviews you have attended and if the interviewer would have noticed your dandruff.
Though not logical, these little markers do have a profound influence on people's judgment of you.
Apart from that, it is always better to look in to your scalp condition at the earliest because you never know if it is just dandruff or something more serious like dermatitis or psoriasis.
I do not want to cause panic, but I intend you to start taking care of your scalp.
It is not about hair loss or anything like that.
It is about your outlook.
We may spend thousands of bucks buying the best outfit, wearing the best shoes, and we may spend a whole lot of time trying to be pleasant to everyone we meet.
All that can go in vain if we do not take care and let dandruff bring about all those flakes and the smells.
It's not that hard.
There are n numbers of ways to get rid of your dandruff issues.
You just have to take action.