Some Lesser-Known Facts About Pregnancy Risk Factors
Pregnancy risk is much talked about but little understood.
Some of the misconceptions about pregnancy risk or pregnancy complications have arisen because of folk wisdom.
However, now we can rely on scientifically established facts to discuss what pregnancy risk is all about.
Broadly, pregnancy risk during the pregnancy period can be covered under three categories: 1.
Category of Consumption The first major source of pregnancy risk lies in the kind of items one consumes.
Examples are alcohol, cigarette smoking, caffeine, spicy food, uncooked meat, raw eggs, and over the counter medicines.
These should all be avoided.
Several studies have proved that if a pregnant woman consumes any of these items, it affects the fetal development and in some cases directly damages the health of the unborn child.
For example, a study of routine ultrasound examination of 167 pregnant women by researches at the University of New Mexico has shown that heavy drinkers carried fetuses with reduced skull and brain growth.
If you want to stay clear of pregnancy complications during the pregnancy period, staying away from alcohol is necessary.
Category of Exposure The second major category of pregnancy risk is exposure to harmful factors.
Among these, the prominent ones are radiation, extreme temperatures, and biological agents like bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Inhaling fumes from pesticides, paints, household disinfectants can also cause serious damage to fetal development.
Exposure to lead and mercury also has adverse effects on the nervous system of the unborn child and can even lead to pregnancy complications such as miscarriage in certain cases.
A recent study published in the American journal of Psychiatry suggests that Toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection in pregnant women can lead to schizophrenia in their offspring.
Category of Physical/Mental Health Finally, pregnancy risk can also emanate from lack of physical and mental well-being.
In many cases, this is caused by one's inability to stick to simple precautions that are almost invariably recommended by health care specialists.
The most common pregnancy risk factor falling under this category is lifting of heavy weights during the pregnancy period.
Most pregnant women carry on the same routines without realizing that their body postures under physical stress can affect the fetus adversely.
Similarly, extreme mood swings, especially states of mental stress can leave their unwelcome effects on the unborn child.
In the same category may be included sexual relationships with multiple partners that could become a major pregnancy risk and lead to pregnancy complications because of the threat of various sexually transmitted diseases that this behavior carries.
It is clear from this analysis that pregnancy risk should be taken seriously.
Pregnant women should be concerned about what they eat, what they allow themselves to be exposed to, and how they maintain their physical and mental well-being.
Some of the misconceptions about pregnancy risk or pregnancy complications have arisen because of folk wisdom.
However, now we can rely on scientifically established facts to discuss what pregnancy risk is all about.
Broadly, pregnancy risk during the pregnancy period can be covered under three categories: 1.
Category of Consumption The first major source of pregnancy risk lies in the kind of items one consumes.
Examples are alcohol, cigarette smoking, caffeine, spicy food, uncooked meat, raw eggs, and over the counter medicines.
These should all be avoided.
Several studies have proved that if a pregnant woman consumes any of these items, it affects the fetal development and in some cases directly damages the health of the unborn child.
For example, a study of routine ultrasound examination of 167 pregnant women by researches at the University of New Mexico has shown that heavy drinkers carried fetuses with reduced skull and brain growth.
If you want to stay clear of pregnancy complications during the pregnancy period, staying away from alcohol is necessary.
Category of Exposure The second major category of pregnancy risk is exposure to harmful factors.
Among these, the prominent ones are radiation, extreme temperatures, and biological agents like bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Inhaling fumes from pesticides, paints, household disinfectants can also cause serious damage to fetal development.
Exposure to lead and mercury also has adverse effects on the nervous system of the unborn child and can even lead to pregnancy complications such as miscarriage in certain cases.
A recent study published in the American journal of Psychiatry suggests that Toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection in pregnant women can lead to schizophrenia in their offspring.
Category of Physical/Mental Health Finally, pregnancy risk can also emanate from lack of physical and mental well-being.
In many cases, this is caused by one's inability to stick to simple precautions that are almost invariably recommended by health care specialists.
The most common pregnancy risk factor falling under this category is lifting of heavy weights during the pregnancy period.
Most pregnant women carry on the same routines without realizing that their body postures under physical stress can affect the fetus adversely.
Similarly, extreme mood swings, especially states of mental stress can leave their unwelcome effects on the unborn child.
In the same category may be included sexual relationships with multiple partners that could become a major pregnancy risk and lead to pregnancy complications because of the threat of various sexually transmitted diseases that this behavior carries.
It is clear from this analysis that pregnancy risk should be taken seriously.
Pregnant women should be concerned about what they eat, what they allow themselves to be exposed to, and how they maintain their physical and mental well-being.