Video: Mousse Recipes With Fruit Puree
Video Transcript
Welcome to Wild Flour. My name is Romina Rasmussen, and I am the pastry chef at Les Madeleines in Salt Lake City, and today, we'll be making a mousse recipe with fruit puree, and I selected strawberries since they're in season right now. So, what I've done is I brought my two cups of puree to a boil and it's really important to boil them because there is an enzyme in there that will keep our mousse from setting up if we don't, and I've bloomed three sheets of gelatin, and I'm going to use the heat from my puree to melt that, and in the meantime, I'm going to start my egg whites on kind of a low speed because I got my sugar cooking, and it's almost ready, and my gelatin is now completely melted. So, I'm going to cool that off quickly over a ice bath, and you want to stir this once in a while because you don't want it to set up in a giant clump because at that point, you'll have to melt it again and it doesn't ever really set as well as it did to begin with. So, we will stir that occasionally and turn that up just a little bit and my syrup is ready to use. So, we're making what's called an Italian meringue and I'm bringing it to a soft ball stage which is about 240 degrees at sea level, here in Salt Lake, 232. I'm going to turn this up. You want to be very careful when you pour this the syrup into your whisk just to pour it down the sides so it doesn't get caught in the whisk and whip out at you because this is very, very hot, and I'm going to keep stirring this because the more we stir, the more heat we release, and it will hopefully be cool just in time for your meringue to be complete. So, you want to whip that until it is as stiff peak. That way, we have a nice firm mousse. So, keep stirring. Spread it out, you know, bigger bowl even though we have not a lot of puree in here. A big bowl helps create a bigger surface area and so it'll cool off faster. If I touch it with the back of my hand, it's already cold, not cold to the point of being set up because it is cold. Okay, it looks like our meringue is ready to go. So, get as much off the whisk as you can because you want it to end up in your food. We're going to sacrifice a third of it. I'm going to fold it in. I like to spin the bowl. I get maximum folding from my efforts, and then that way, I'm less likely to deflate whatever it is that I'm making with my meringue as well. So, fold that in, and when it's still a little bit streaky, I'm going to fold in my whip cream, and same thing, I'm going to sacrifice about a third of that. Now, get the rest of it in there. This is so creamy and lustrous. Strawberries are one of my favorite things. It's a really lovely color. Go around the outside and then you'll have it incorporated. There you go and that's a mousse. Then, you would just put it in a piping bag to get it into your jars. I've piped some into these little, cut little yogurt jars. So, I've piped the mousse. Put some strawberries on top, and there's a little tiny bit of French macaroons crumbled on top, and that's how you make a mousse with fruit puree.