Use Sleeping Eye Masks to Help You Get Good Rest
Did you know that over 64 million Americans say that they have some form of sleeping problem or another? If you don't have trouble sleeping at home but have problems sleeping while traveling you might also need some help.
Believe it or not, many experts say that using a sleeping mask can make all the difference to many different types of sleep problems.
They can be especially helpful if you need to sleep during the daytime or if there are bright lights around your bedroom to create the illusion of darkness and help your brain naturally produce the melatonin it needs to induce the process of sleep.
Think about it - natural sleep begins with it getting darker outside.
Your body reacts to the signals that your brain receives from your eyes when light levels begin to dim.
These signals tell your brain to begin converting the serotonin levels that are designed to keep you awake and alert to the chemical melatonin, which causes you to feel relaxed and go to sleep.
Sleep is essential to leading a productive waking life, because if you deprive yourself of deep sleep patterns called REM or Rapid Eye Movement, you will not be able to function effectively during the day.
REM sleep helps you to be more energetic and to think more clearly, it also affects the effectiveness of your immune system and your overall health.
On July 29, 2002, the UC San Diego Medical Center posted a news release that stated the discovery of the affects that sleep deprivation had on the brain directly due to the essential electrical and chemical activity patterns that need to happen during sleep in order for the brain to be able to function properly when awake.
This is why you feel much more refreshed and ready to accomplish tasks the morning after you have had a really good night's sleep.
Sleeping eye masks are also sometimes used by some people during meditation to help them visualize a sense of calm and awareness within their immediate environment.
There are a lot of different sleep masks on the market, so you will need to seek out the style that is most comfortable for you.
The mask must be comfortable enough to help you relax and allow your body to enjoy the effects of the increased melatonin so you can actually go to sleep.
Sleep masks - which are sometimes called eye masks - can be purchased in retail stores or can be ordered on the Internet.
One of the most popular products on the market is the Snoozers Sleep Mask.
Before you spend a lot of money on a new sleep mask, make sure you do some research and compare products until you find the one that is right for you.
Believe it or not, many experts say that using a sleeping mask can make all the difference to many different types of sleep problems.
They can be especially helpful if you need to sleep during the daytime or if there are bright lights around your bedroom to create the illusion of darkness and help your brain naturally produce the melatonin it needs to induce the process of sleep.
Think about it - natural sleep begins with it getting darker outside.
Your body reacts to the signals that your brain receives from your eyes when light levels begin to dim.
These signals tell your brain to begin converting the serotonin levels that are designed to keep you awake and alert to the chemical melatonin, which causes you to feel relaxed and go to sleep.
Sleep is essential to leading a productive waking life, because if you deprive yourself of deep sleep patterns called REM or Rapid Eye Movement, you will not be able to function effectively during the day.
REM sleep helps you to be more energetic and to think more clearly, it also affects the effectiveness of your immune system and your overall health.
On July 29, 2002, the UC San Diego Medical Center posted a news release that stated the discovery of the affects that sleep deprivation had on the brain directly due to the essential electrical and chemical activity patterns that need to happen during sleep in order for the brain to be able to function properly when awake.
This is why you feel much more refreshed and ready to accomplish tasks the morning after you have had a really good night's sleep.
Sleeping eye masks are also sometimes used by some people during meditation to help them visualize a sense of calm and awareness within their immediate environment.
There are a lot of different sleep masks on the market, so you will need to seek out the style that is most comfortable for you.
The mask must be comfortable enough to help you relax and allow your body to enjoy the effects of the increased melatonin so you can actually go to sleep.
Sleep masks - which are sometimes called eye masks - can be purchased in retail stores or can be ordered on the Internet.
One of the most popular products on the market is the Snoozers Sleep Mask.
Before you spend a lot of money on a new sleep mask, make sure you do some research and compare products until you find the one that is right for you.