Cockscomb Planting Information
- Cockscomb likes warm weather, so it should not be planted outdoors before May or June, except in tropical or subtropical climates. Cockscomb can be planted as an indoor container plant any time.
- Namesake featureImage by, courtesy of delta16v
Planting cockscomb seeds directly in the garden can result in larger flower heads, however, this should not be done in Northern areas because the plants take up to 90 days to bloom. - Start cockscomb seeds indoors about six weeks before you plan to transplant them into the garden. Use a commercial seed-starting medium, and keep the potted seeds at 70 to 75 degrees F. Make sure the pots are kept moderately moist until they germinate, and then water more sparingly.
- Plant your cockscomb in full sun. Indoor plants should be placed in a sunny, southerly facing window.
- Cockscomb, as long as it has sun and warmth, is very hearty and can thrive in most soil types, including clay. It is drought resistant as well and doesn't need frequent watering.
Planting Times
Seed Propagation Outdoors
Starting Indoors