How to Grow a Coconut From Seed
- 1). Go to the grocery store or produce stand and choose a coconut. Pick one that is brown and hairy. Make sure you can hear the liquid inside when you shake it. The coconut lives off of it's seed for the first six months or so. Mature coconuts are brown and the sloshing sound means that the seed is mature yet not too old to be dried out.
- 2). Fill up a bucket with water and put the seed inside. Soak the seed in the water for two or three days prior to planting.
- 3). Plant the seed in the planter. The planter you choose should be at least 10 inches deep to allow the plant plenty of room to grow. You can make a perfect planter out of a large food service or industrial bucket. Just get a pick and put holes in the bottom before putting in soil. Cover about 2/3 of the seed with soil, allowing 1/3 of the seed to stay above the soil.
- 4). Put the planted seed in a warm place that gets lots of sunshine. Keep it well watered and have patience. The seed will take between three to six months to sprout.
- 5). Keep the new coconut tree in its planter for the first three to four years. If the high temperature dips below 80 degrees, bring the tree inside and place it in front of a window that gets sunshine. New coconut trees are very sensitive to cold temperatures.
- 6). Plant the tree after three to four years in an area in your yard that gets a lot of sunshine and is protected from a freezing temperaures, but keep in mind that at maturity, the tree will be about 80 feet high so it also needs a lot of room.