Spinning Class Certification
- Spinning® instructor certification is done through Mad Dogg Athletics, Inc. The process has two main components: a 9-hour orientation workshop and self-paced home study, followed by an online exam. Orientation workshops are given by master spinning instructors in the course of one day. They give participants a copy of the official Spinning® Instructor Manual, which they touch upon throughout the workshop. The orientation includes at least two group rides, and bike set-up and heart rate training information. Participants must take the online exam within three months of the workshop.
- Spinning® instructor certification has certain components that make it unique among other indoor cycling programs. It emphasizes that its instructors consistently build purposeful ride profiles which fit into larger training programs. Because the program was founded by a professional road cyclist, it also emphasizes heart rate training as a fundamental part of exercise. The program's stationary bikes have chains rather than belts and are built with road bike angles, so instructors must be able to teach road riding positioning and proper cadence. Most importantly, Spinning® instructor certification stresses the importance of creating a mind-body connection for class participants---most often through well-chosen music, but also through strong verbal cues, visualization or silence.
- A Spinning® instructor certification is valid for two years from the date of the successfully completed online exam. In order to maintain certification, instructors must earn a certain number of STAR points before their certifications expire. They can earn points through workshops, online study and testing, home study with mailed-in exams and through other qualifying industry workshops or certifications approved by Mad Dogg Athletics.
- After the Spin® program successfully invented the indoor cycling market, numerous other certifications came into being. Other certifications are classified as "indoor cycling" certifications, rather than Spinning® certifications. Most personal training companies, such as the American Council on Exercise (ACE) offer their own version of an indoor cycling instructor certification. Other available certifications include C.O.R.E. Cycling, Stage 5 Cycling and Schwinn® Cycling.
- In order for a gym or other fitness facility to label their indoor cycling program a Spinning® program, they must use official Spinner® bikes and hire Spinning® certified instructors. Spinning® program directors specifically look for instructors who understand heart rate training, proper bike set-up and form and cadence techniques. Anyone interested in becoming Spinning® instructor certified should consider calling local gyms and clubs to find out what type of indoor cycling program they have as well as whether or not they're holding an upcoming group audition; newly certified instructors are usually required to attend a group audition or guest-teaching a segment of a scheduled class.
Certification Process
Instructor Certification
Continuing Education
Other Indoor Cycling Certifications
Employment Tips