Hemorrhoid Relief Can Be Quick And Painlessly Simple
You are going to cause hemorrhoids if you try to force a bowel movement. If you can feel in your belly that you have to go but when you try to defecate you cannot, try to get some exercise. Take a short walk and then try again. The exercise may help to facilitate your movement.
One of the most common causes of hemorrhoid formation is chronic bouts of constipation. Preventing constipation and encouraging more regular bowel movements can go a long way in avoiding both internal and external hemorrhoids. Look for natural constipation remedies, such as aloe vera juice. Aloe vera can also be taken in gel or capsule form.
After getting out of the bath or shower, try to avoid drying your rectum with a towel if you hope to avoid any hemorrhoid pain associated with flare-ups. Instead, opt for air-drying the area. This may take a little while longer, but you will most definitely appreciate the results here.
If pepper is your worst enemy in the fight against hemorrhoids, then water is one of your greatest allies. Water is good for a great deal of things when it comes to your body, so it should be ingested anyway. An additional benefit is that it helps to flush out your system.
Make sure you use a lenient exercise program. Weight lifting and consistent sweating can cause your hemorrhoid pain and swelling to worsen, so try to stick with less strenuous exercises, such as walking, swimming, or yoga. Yoga is encouraged, as light stretching can be greatly beneficial to your intestinal muscles and overall health.
Use Aloe Vera juice to soothe hemorrhoids. You can use a cotton swab soaked in the juice to apply it directly to the skin. Aloe Vera juice can relieve itching and pain. If you let the area continue to itch, you may cause more damage by scratching the affected area.
Aloe Vera gel, which is often used to treat open wounds or burns, is a natural, affecting way to treat hemorrhoids. When applied to the affected area, Aloe Vera will relieve pain and itching. It will also stop bleeding and promote healing. For the best results use a gel that contains 100 percent Aloe Vera.
For hemorrhoid relief, sit in a warm bath. Sit in the tub with your knees bent to let the warm water soothe the hemorrhoid. Warm water will decrease swelling and pain. If you don't have a bathtub at home, purchase a sitz bath. Do this several times each day.
Now that you have learned some of the most basic tips and helpful advice for quick and effective prevention and treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids, you will be better prepared to put yourself or a close friend on the road to recovery and freedom from the pain and itching of hemorrhoids.