The Wealthy’s “secret” Knowledge

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While wealth creation and reduction of debt has eluded many individuals, there are still many others who have mastered the skills of manifesting money and creating fast wealth.

Are these wealthy individuals any different than anyone else? Research into the minds and everyday practices of the wealthy indicate that while their potential to create massive wealth is no greater than the average person, these wealthy individuals have learned to apply time-honored methods of wealth creation…and have benefited greatly from these learned skills.

Some important skills of the wealthy include the following:

  • Ability to transform debt into wealth.

  • Ability to create wealth by recognizing opportunities to serve multiple people.

  • Ability to transform multiple residual streams of income into passive income streams.

  • Ability to build wealth by recognizing and utilizing established systems to achieve goals of wealth creation in the shortest time possible.

  • Ability to truly see themselves as wealth creators and worthy of being wealthy.

  • One very important skill of the wealthy is their ability of transforming debt into wealth

    Many people feel that debt is bad, and in many cases that is definitely true. The wealthy look at debt in a different way. The wealthy classify debt as either good debt or bad debt.

    Good debt is debt that is created to help build an asset that will supply a steady stream of residual income. These assets can take the form of businesses, real estate, paper investments, inventions, books, or any other means that the mind can conceive to create residual streams of income.

    Bad debt on the other hand, is debt created that actually takes money out of our pocket on an ongoing basis. It's obvious that most of us desire nice things…and why not!  Life is precious and should be lived to the fullest. The majority of the wealthy feel the same way, and in fact have many luxury items in their possession.

    The big difference between the wealthy and the majority of the population, is that the wealthy purchase their fancy cars, homes, etc. by first creating an asset that will supply the income needed to buy these luxury possessions.

    The wealthy create most of their assets by seeing opportunities to serve others - and also by recognizing the potential of an asset

    The ability to creatively envision solutions to problems and to actively implement plans to create an asset that will serve others is a vital skill of the wealthy. The natural outcome of creating such an asset, is that this asset will become very valuable to both those it serves…and thus in turn to those who create the asset.

    Learning how to use your innate creative potential is vital in your quest for Financial Freedom. The better you are at of providing creative solutions to people's problems, the more opportunities  become available for creating a valuable income generating asset.

    Another asset creating skill the wealthy possess is their ability to recognize the potential of an asset long before most others are able to see the "diamond in the rough"

    The wealthy develop these potential assets through both specific knowledge - and through investments of time and resources. Many of the wealthy hold a majority of their passive income generating assets in either businesses, real estate and/or paper assets.

    These wealthy individuals have learned how to recognize under performing real estate and possible business ventures, and through acquired knowledge, have been able to implement the necessary changes to make an under performing asset into a very valuable asset that creates a steady stream of income.

    Financial Independence is achievable for anyone willing to learn the necessary skill sets

    As we can begin to see…the valuable skill sets the Wealthy possess are really nothing anyone able to read this article couldn't do also. Knowledge is really the only factor separating you from becoming wealthy too!

    In a future article, we will explore the other 3 vital skill sets the Wealthy possess that help them achieve Financial Freedom. Till then, good luck on your own journey to Financial Independence!
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