Flowers, Shrubs, and in the Greenhouse in Mid September
Clean up the rock garden and the surprising debris that surrounds the plants, and top-dress the plants with finely sieved leaf-mould and grit.
Iris unguicularis can be planted or transplanted, but the roots must be kept moist until established.
When planting spring bulbs do not forget the Leucojum vernum, the spring snowflake, with petals tipped with green, remember if you leave it undisturbed it will multiply.
Groom the pick of the hardy chrysanthemums and earliest before taking them into the greenhouse, and short side shoots of perennials, previously cut down, which may be detached and are easily rooted.
Bee-keepers will note how the bees buzz round the ivy now it is coming into bloom.
Please don't allow untidiness to spoil the look of the autumn garden, so get the wheelbarrow out.
There are a shoal of autumn flower shows this month.
If exhibiting chrysanthemums locally, pick out the best of the earliest for the show.
It's best they should be cut in the early hours of the morning and plunged into water for 24 hours before packing.
Blooms of a similar type, size, shape and bearing make a winning vase.
Taking time to look at your trees and shrubs, the mountain ash and maple are turning red and orange.
Cuttings of forsythia may be taken by pulling away a young well-ripened shoot with a heel.
As a reminder, this is a good month for planting evergreens.
Are the ramblers well tied in? Treat any wooden pillar or supports with horticultural Cuprinol.
Diving back into the greenhouse again this week, has the shading been thoroughly removed from the glass, because all the light available will be needed from now on.
Prepared bulbs should be planted without delay, because they need 8-10 weeks plunged in the dark.
Achimenes tubers should be drying off and the pots laid on their side.
At this time Penstemon cuttings strike well, and cuttings of bedding plants can be taken.
A further planting of freesias may be made: they thrive in warmth, but resent forcing.
If the pots can be brought from the frame in batches their performance will be prolonged.
Give the chrysanthemums plenty of ventilation and waterthe morning only.
Beware of an uneven day and night temperature that leads to damping off.
Iris unguicularis can be planted or transplanted, but the roots must be kept moist until established.
When planting spring bulbs do not forget the Leucojum vernum, the spring snowflake, with petals tipped with green, remember if you leave it undisturbed it will multiply.
Groom the pick of the hardy chrysanthemums and earliest before taking them into the greenhouse, and short side shoots of perennials, previously cut down, which may be detached and are easily rooted.
Bee-keepers will note how the bees buzz round the ivy now it is coming into bloom.
Please don't allow untidiness to spoil the look of the autumn garden, so get the wheelbarrow out.
There are a shoal of autumn flower shows this month.
If exhibiting chrysanthemums locally, pick out the best of the earliest for the show.
It's best they should be cut in the early hours of the morning and plunged into water for 24 hours before packing.
Blooms of a similar type, size, shape and bearing make a winning vase.
Taking time to look at your trees and shrubs, the mountain ash and maple are turning red and orange.
Cuttings of forsythia may be taken by pulling away a young well-ripened shoot with a heel.
As a reminder, this is a good month for planting evergreens.
Are the ramblers well tied in? Treat any wooden pillar or supports with horticultural Cuprinol.
Diving back into the greenhouse again this week, has the shading been thoroughly removed from the glass, because all the light available will be needed from now on.
Prepared bulbs should be planted without delay, because they need 8-10 weeks plunged in the dark.
Achimenes tubers should be drying off and the pots laid on their side.
At this time Penstemon cuttings strike well, and cuttings of bedding plants can be taken.
A further planting of freesias may be made: they thrive in warmth, but resent forcing.
If the pots can be brought from the frame in batches their performance will be prolonged.
Give the chrysanthemums plenty of ventilation and waterthe morning only.
Beware of an uneven day and night temperature that leads to damping off.