Menstrual Periods - Discover the Best Way to Make Them Easy
Menstrual periods can be harrowing for many women.
They may be painful, heavy or debilitating.
Many women are offered the contraceptive pill as the only option to eliminate these problems.
But this can cause as many, if not more, problems at it is supposed to resolve.
Are there any alternatives? Of course there are! Homeopathy offers a life line to many women.
It has the potential to completely resolve all problems.
This is probably best tackled by a professional homeopath.
But you can also do a lot of good yourself, if you purchase a homeopathic home prescribing kit with instructions.
Lets look at one homeopathic medicine which has a great reputation as far as resolving problems with periods go.
First the name of the medicine is called Sepia.
And the symptoms it has the potential of totally resolving are:
Even though you may love your partner, the physical side of the relationship holds no attraction to you anymore.
You have too many other responsibilities to do and by the time it's bedtime, you're too exhausted to do anything but fall asleep.
If you can pick out three or more symptoms from the above list, that reflects you well, it's likely that Sepia will do you a lot of good.
Sepia is often thought to be a husband's best friend.
You can probably see why.
They may be painful, heavy or debilitating.
Many women are offered the contraceptive pill as the only option to eliminate these problems.
But this can cause as many, if not more, problems at it is supposed to resolve.
Are there any alternatives? Of course there are! Homeopathy offers a life line to many women.
It has the potential to completely resolve all problems.
This is probably best tackled by a professional homeopath.
But you can also do a lot of good yourself, if you purchase a homeopathic home prescribing kit with instructions.
Lets look at one homeopathic medicine which has a great reputation as far as resolving problems with periods go.
First the name of the medicine is called Sepia.
And the symptoms it has the potential of totally resolving are:
- never been well since puberty
- never been well since any hormonal drug
- never been well since child birth
- a bearing down feeling in your uterus
- periods are early or late
- periods are very light or very heavy
- abdominal pains are stitching in nature
- generally, you're quite irritable, even angry especially to loved ones
- you want to be left alone
- you're likely to suffer in the cold
Even though you may love your partner, the physical side of the relationship holds no attraction to you anymore.
You have too many other responsibilities to do and by the time it's bedtime, you're too exhausted to do anything but fall asleep.
If you can pick out three or more symptoms from the above list, that reflects you well, it's likely that Sepia will do you a lot of good.
Sepia is often thought to be a husband's best friend.
You can probably see why.