Causes of Yeast Infection - The Root Cause and Underlying Conditions

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The causes -- or the cause -- of yeast infection is the Candida Albicans fungus.
But there are underlying conditions that have to be present in order for the fungus to multiply sufficiently to cause a yeast infection.
In other words, a completely healthy person has a very low risk of infection.
Here, you'll discover the causes of yeast infection and how it is treated.
The root cause of yeast infections is the Candida Albicans fungus that is found in the human body, quite naturally.
The body's friendly bacteria manages it at low enough levels that it doesn't cause yeast infections normally.
But, sometimes, conditions in the body are such that the friendly bacteria is compromised and struggles to manage the fungus at 'neutral' levels.
When this happens, the fungus can 'overgrow', causing an infection.
The typical conditions for this are things like; a compromised immune system (e.
illness, HIV, cancer treatment, etc.
), over-prescribed antibiotics (kill-off the good bacteria), diabetes (raised sugar levels feed the fungus), pregnancy (changed hormonal levels), poor nutrition (high sugar and lowered immune system), etc.
You could look on these as causes of yeast infection too, because without them the good bacteria are more able to do their job.
Normally you would treat your infection with antifungal and anti-inflammatory medications.
These are normally topically applied and you would get them over-the-counter or by prescription.
And they can work well enough in 3 to 14 days or more, depending on the severity.
The only thing is that they focus on the local symptoms not on the root cause of the yeast infection.
Plus, because they're drugs, the fungus can become resistant to them.
The result of all this is often recurrent yeast infections for many sufferers.
Many more sufferers are thus turning their attention to natural treatments without these drawbacks.
Not only do these treatments get rid of the symptoms of yeast infection, they address the root cause and other issues such as diet and lifestyle etc.
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