Why You Should Leverage Your Positives in Business & Outsource Your Weakness
The fastest way to improve your bottom line and start enjoying your business more is by applying this important rule immediately.
Lots of Small Business People spend too much time trying to figure out how to become better at something that doesn't come naturally to them or something that they are just generally not good at.
In business this is a waste of time and money and it gives you grey hairs.
If you have no interest in something, if you know that you do not like doing something why waste precious small business cash trying to get your head around it? Understand this: the cost of not outsourcing can far outweigh what it costs your business in the long term by not doing it.
The most important thing you can do as a business owner is leverage your positives and that of your staff (if you have any).
By solely focusing on what it is that you are good at you not only find your work more enjoyable but you will start to shape your business around what it is that you are skilled in rather than trying to meet the demands of everybody.
Your staff will enjoy their role more and you will only hire skilled people for particular jobs rather than a one size fits all kind of person who never really becomes skilled or very interested in anything.
Leveraging and focusing on your positives in business = a more defined product and service that is 10 times more likely to be successful.
I hear you say 'But when you don't have much cash you have to do everything yourself?' I completely understand this.
Having to know how to do everything in your small business and doing it all on a tight budget was how I built my business.
By all means if you have the time and the money to learn every area of small business management then I fully advise you to do that if it's what interests you.
If you don't have the time yet you have important jobs that have to be completed here's what you have to consider:
Don't torture yourself with hours of study if you know that it is something that you will never grasp.
Know enough about what the book keeping side of your business must entail, know enough about the web building process to ask questions if you ever have to outsource.
Do your research but don't kill yourself trying to be the best at something you despise.
If you are to spend 15 hours learning your new tool and another 60 achieving your goal, what is the cost of this adventure if you value your time at $50 per hour? Now determine the cash that could be made if you spend that time elsewhere in your business where you are needed and where you can leverage your skills.
If you spent 75 hours doing something that you are good at, what would be the profit from that journey? Balance out these two equations and determine what you are actually losing by doing it yourself? Determine the cost of you doing it, the cost of what your business will lose by you doing it and the cost of someone else doing it and determine if it is worth it or not.
In other words, know enough about the subject to get value for your money.
You still hold the reigns, you are still in control; this is what is important.
Shop around when you outsource and find someone who can do the job within the desired time frame, for the desired price and ensure they are offering you a quality return on your investment.
ACTION: I want you to stop and immediately apply the above scenario to one of your jobs or roles as a business manager that you despise or are no good at right now.
Carefully think about each step and how this could affect your business.
I understand that working with a restricted budget in small business can require you to be multi skilled.
However I urge you to weigh up the scenario.
Outsourcing may not be as expensive as first thought especially if the person you outsource to knows that you have an understanding of what is required.
People enter business everyday not honestly recognising and outlining their individual weaknesses and positives.
People who are unsocial yet are pure finance whizzes open cafes.
Then they can't understand why the business goes belly up? If you are a finance whiz and you don't really like people then create a business that leverages those skills or replace yourself with someone who can do a better job than you.
In the short term you may think that you cannot afford it, but in the long term you have no other choice if you want to survive.
This process can be applied to every level of your marketing process and every angle of your business.
The changes that you can make and the staggering profitable results that can be achieved from applying this small business rule can be astounding.
The whole process that BusiWizard offers you is designed to help you leverage your positives; learn enough to understand what every angle of small business management entails (Ebooks/Free Info Pages) yet the affordable ability to outsource if you need to professionals (coaching/consultancy/web design) that can do it better and faster than you can.
Lots of Small Business People spend too much time trying to figure out how to become better at something that doesn't come naturally to them or something that they are just generally not good at.
In business this is a waste of time and money and it gives you grey hairs.
If you have no interest in something, if you know that you do not like doing something why waste precious small business cash trying to get your head around it? Understand this: the cost of not outsourcing can far outweigh what it costs your business in the long term by not doing it.
The most important thing you can do as a business owner is leverage your positives and that of your staff (if you have any).
By solely focusing on what it is that you are good at you not only find your work more enjoyable but you will start to shape your business around what it is that you are skilled in rather than trying to meet the demands of everybody.
Your staff will enjoy their role more and you will only hire skilled people for particular jobs rather than a one size fits all kind of person who never really becomes skilled or very interested in anything.
Leveraging and focusing on your positives in business = a more defined product and service that is 10 times more likely to be successful.
I hear you say 'But when you don't have much cash you have to do everything yourself?' I completely understand this.
Having to know how to do everything in your small business and doing it all on a tight budget was how I built my business.
By all means if you have the time and the money to learn every area of small business management then I fully advise you to do that if it's what interests you.
If you don't have the time yet you have important jobs that have to be completed here's what you have to consider:
- Learn a Little.
Don't torture yourself with hours of study if you know that it is something that you will never grasp.
Know enough about what the book keeping side of your business must entail, know enough about the web building process to ask questions if you ever have to outsource.
Do your research but don't kill yourself trying to be the best at something you despise.
- Weigh Up The Costs.
If you are to spend 15 hours learning your new tool and another 60 achieving your goal, what is the cost of this adventure if you value your time at $50 per hour? Now determine the cash that could be made if you spend that time elsewhere in your business where you are needed and where you can leverage your skills.
If you spent 75 hours doing something that you are good at, what would be the profit from that journey? Balance out these two equations and determine what you are actually losing by doing it yourself? Determine the cost of you doing it, the cost of what your business will lose by you doing it and the cost of someone else doing it and determine if it is worth it or not.
- What is the real cost of doing it yourself?
In other words, know enough about the subject to get value for your money.
You still hold the reigns, you are still in control; this is what is important.
Shop around when you outsource and find someone who can do the job within the desired time frame, for the desired price and ensure they are offering you a quality return on your investment.
ACTION: I want you to stop and immediately apply the above scenario to one of your jobs or roles as a business manager that you despise or are no good at right now.
Carefully think about each step and how this could affect your business.
I understand that working with a restricted budget in small business can require you to be multi skilled.
However I urge you to weigh up the scenario.
Outsourcing may not be as expensive as first thought especially if the person you outsource to knows that you have an understanding of what is required.
People enter business everyday not honestly recognising and outlining their individual weaknesses and positives.
People who are unsocial yet are pure finance whizzes open cafes.
Then they can't understand why the business goes belly up? If you are a finance whiz and you don't really like people then create a business that leverages those skills or replace yourself with someone who can do a better job than you.
In the short term you may think that you cannot afford it, but in the long term you have no other choice if you want to survive.
This process can be applied to every level of your marketing process and every angle of your business.
The changes that you can make and the staggering profitable results that can be achieved from applying this small business rule can be astounding.
The whole process that BusiWizard offers you is designed to help you leverage your positives; learn enough to understand what every angle of small business management entails (Ebooks/Free Info Pages) yet the affordable ability to outsource if you need to professionals (coaching/consultancy/web design) that can do it better and faster than you can.