A List of Turfgrass
- Turfgrasses vary by texture, growth habits and climate zones.Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Turfgrasses are usually divided into cool- and warm-season varieties. Many of the turfgrasses in America are not native. Proper identification of turfgrass is essential for effective management, since the specific type of grass determines watering practices, fertilization frequency and mowing needs. Turfgrasses are identified by their leaf arrangement, stem shape and growth habits. - Turfgrasses are usually divided into cool- and warm-season varieties. Many of the turfgrasses in America are not native. Proper identification of turfgrass is essential for effective management, since the specific type of grass determines watering practices, fertilization frequency and mowing needs. Turfgrasses are identified by their leaf arrangement, stem shape and growth habits.
- Native to Southeast Africa, Bermudagrass is especially common in the Southeastern states. Bermudagrass is a warm-season grass and produces even in extreme summer heat. It is somewhat drought tolerant due to its well-developed root system. Although the grass is naturally sensitive to cold, new cultivars have been developed that survive harsh winter temperatures. According to the University of Missouri, Bermudagrass is particularly well suited for cattle grazing pastures with loamy, deep soils.
- Kentucky bluegrass is a cold-season grass commonly found in the Northeast and North Central states. It is sensitive to warm climates and does not thrive in summer temperatures more than 75 degrees. Although it is relatively low maintenance in terms of watering and mowing, Kentucky bluegrass does require regular treatment of fertilizer. The grass thrives in a soil pH between 6 and 7 and prefers fertile, well-drained soil conditions. During the warm season, the grass requires additional watering and irrigation. It does not tolerate shade, although new varieties that combine Kentucky bluegrass seed with other grass varieties may have increased shade tolerance.
Kentucy Bluegrass