3-Day Detox
- Each day of the detox begins with 16 ounces of prune juice, which helps to empty the bowels and draw toxins from other areas of the body into the bowels, where they are then eliminated out of the body. Extra virgin olive oil is taken three times each day to supply the necessary fats for the body, and lubricate the bile and liver ducts to keep them functioning normally, helping to eliminate toxins. Fresh juices and filtered or distilled water are alternated throughout the day, keeping the body hydrated, elevating blood sugar levels, and replacing the toxic or acidic wastes being eliminated with alkaline, which improves digestion. Choose only one fruit or vegetable to use throughout the 3-day detox; do not alternate the fruits and vegetables. Do not eat solid food during the detox, but if you do become hungry you can eat a matching fruit or vegetable. For example, if using apple juice you can eat an apple or eat a carrot if drinking carrot juice. After the detox, slowly begin adding food by eating something solid for one meal each day until you build back up to eating solid food at each meal.
When taking your juices always "chew" or swish the juices around in the mouth before swallowing. This mixes the juice with your saliva which starts the digestion process, allowing the nutrients and vitamins of the juices to be utilized easier by the body.
During a detox it is normal to feel slightly ill and fatigued as the toxins are being eliminated from the body. Be sure to rest during your detox to reserve your energy for healing purposes. - Choose one fruit or vegetable to consume in juice form for the 3-day detox, preferably fresh, organic juice. If you cannot juice your fruit or vegetable each day, then buy an organic juice that is free of additives and preservatives.
Apple juice is the favored juice for detoxification because of its healing properties. Juice enough apples each day to make approximately one gallon of juice and drink it full strength, not diluting with water. About one bushel or 30 pounds of apples will make enough juice for three days; be sure to juice only one gallon each day to keep it fresh.
Carrots make another great detoxing juice. Loaded with vitamin A and beta carotene, it aids in strengthening the immune system while detoxing occurs. Do not dilute the juice.
Citrus fruits add vitamin C to the body and should also be juiced fresh each day. Juice two lemons, four to six grapefruits and enough oranges to make two quarts; add two quarts of filtered or distilled water to make one gallon of juice.
Grapes make another great juice to drink for your detox and should be diluted like the citrus juice above before drinking.
Tomatoes can also be used and should not be diluted. - Start your detox around 7:00 a.m. each day for three consecutive days and begin by drinking 16 ounces of prune juice, followed by one to two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. At 7:30 a.m. drink 8 ounces of fresh juice and at 8:00 a.m. drink 8 ounces of filtered or distilled water. Continue alternating with fresh juice and water every half hour until noon.
At noon drink 8 ounces of fresh juice followed by one to two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. At 12:30 p.m. drink 8 ounces of water followed by 8 ounces of juice at 1:00 p.m.. Continue alternating juice and water every half hour until 5:00 p.m.
At 5:00 p.m. drink 8 ounces of juice and take one to two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. At 5:30 p.m. drink 8 ounces of water and then alternate juice and water every half hour until 7:00 p.m.
From 7:00 p.m. until bedtime drink 8 ounces of water every hour.
Follow this schedule every day for a total of three days and always use the same type of fruit or vegetable juice. - While detoxing you will want to avoid things that can cause toxin and mucous buildup including: white sugar and flour products, anything with gluten, over-cooked and processed foods, junk foods, alcohol, caffeine, and artificial sweeteners and additives.
Once your 3-day detox is completed, continue avoiding these things to keep your body cleansed.
Detoxing Plan
Detox Schedule
Things to Avoid