Great Looking Desert Evergeen Shrubs

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Agave or Mescal (spanish): This plant is a beautiful succulent and primarily used for desert landscaping.
Very little watering and care it likes gravelly soil and full sun.
Several varieties including the americana, parryi and lechugilla.
Also called the century plant and will produce a tall flowering plume after several years.
Arborvitae or Thuja Platcycladus: Desert evergreen shrub tree, or plant will grow in almost any type soil is drought tolerant with a lime green color and small blue cones.
Can be used as a hedge plant or tree.
Can be used as a traditional or formal landscape design.
The Thuja occidentalis - can grow about 40 ft.
tall and spreading to about 15-20 ft.
Barberry or Berberis: Is a good hedge shrub with elliptical leaves and red berries moderate watering fast growing.
Produces small yellow flowers.
Other varieties include the Colorado and Japenese barberry.
They grow about 3-5 ft height and wide.
Japenese Boxwood or Buxus microphylla: Not really a desert plant but does well in the southwest.
Small leaved evergreen shrub and used mostly as a hedge.
Like shade or sun and slow growing.
Lime green foliage grows short about 3-4ft.
Grows best in southern New Mexico and El Paso.
Pricly Pear or Opuntia: Also called the flat ear cactus.
Likes full sun and produces edible.
Beautiful flowers in the spring usually red or yellow.
Fast growing in southwernn New Mexico.
Plant away from heavy traffic.
Creosote or Larrea tridentata: Native New Mexican plant.
Lower elevations of the desert southwest.
Very hardy plant up to 10ft height and wide.
Likes full sun and will grow in almost any type soil.
Produces yellow like flowers during spring.
Many folks consider this plant a large weed.
Does NOT like to be transplanted.
India Hawthorne or Rhaphiolepis indica: Very exotic looking shrub.
Excellent choice for business landscapes or front yard homes.
Beautiful bright pink flowers only in early spring.
Can tolerate shade and moderate grower.
Their are many varieties some with darker pink blooms.
Anywhere from 2ft tall to 5ft tall depending on the variety.
Width is about 4ft Grows up to 4ft tall and wide.
Aucuba or Aucuba japonica: Is a broadleaved evergreen and needs lots of shade.
Slow growing in southern New Mexico.
Not really a drought tolerant shrub, but does good in southwestern shade with rich soil.
Good for Patios or Courtyards.
Excellent plant for that all day shady spot.
Nandina or nandina domestica: Very easy plant to grow, likes sun or shade.
Moderate watering and grows slow.
This plant will turn a reddish/orange color in winter and green most of summer.
Can grow up to 6ft tall with red berries.
Very hardy shrub and can be planted along walls or xeriscaping yards.
Dwarf varieties are available at established Nurseries.
Photinia: Very hardy broadleaved shrub up to 15 ft tall about 10 ft.
Fast grower and tips of leaves turn a reddish color in the winter.
Usually dark green foilage all summer.
Can be trimmed down to about 5ft.
Excellent for border plantings.
Be sure to visit Guzmansgreenhouse.
for more free gardening information.
Waxleaf privet or Ligustrum: A glossy evergreen shrub that is used as a hedge.
Very fast dense growing plant up to 10 ft.
tall and 6 ft.
in width.
Produces small black berries.
Likes full sun and moderate to regular watering.
Not really a desert plant but does well in full southwestern sun.
Pyracantha: Tall desert evergreen shrub with white flowers in spring.
Used for screens and border plant.
Produces red or orange like berries.
Likes moderate watering.
Numerous vine like thorns.
Use this plant to keep unwanted pets or nosey neighbors away.
Junipers: Evergreen shrub with numerous varieties.
They can take full sun and moderate shade.
They spread wide and can be used as a bank plant.
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