How to Make Money while You're Unemployed
- 1). Make money on the Internet- start a blog at or create your own website. Sign up for the affiliates program at Amazon or Adsense from Google and add links and advertise products on your blog or website. It can take a while to start generating income and you have to increase traffic to your site.
If you enjoy reading and writing, start writing online articles for Internet websites such as,, or - 2). Sell things from around the house that you don't need or you don't use to make extra money. You can sell things on E-bay or where it is free to list an item while on E-bay you have to pay a small listing fee and it is an auction-based website.
- 3). Get a roommate to help pay the rent. Make a leasing contract specifying the monthly amount of money and rent an extra room in your place if you have extra free space.
- 4). Baby-sit for your friends children for a small fee or pet-sit your friends pet while they are out of town.
- 5). If you're stay at home mom, taking care of one or two small children, you can start your own home daycare center in your place. But you need to get a license for that and there is a limit on the number of infants and small children per adult caretaker.
- 6). If you love animals and have pets, you can start a doggy day-care. You can watch other people's pets for a fee.
- 7). Turn your hobby into a business and start your own business.
If you have special skills and talents, for example, if you like to work out and you're in great shape, become a personal trainer.
Or become a massage therapist, or a hairstylist or a chef or anything else that you're interested in.