What Plants Close Their Flowers at Night?
- African daisydaisy image by Dwight Davis from Fotolia.com
There are plants that close their petals in the absence of sunlight and during the night. This characteristic is called nyctinasty. The closing of the petals occurs when the plant cells pump out their water from the base of the petals and cause the petals to wilt themselves close. One explanation for this is that most pollinating insects are dormant during the night and hence by closing their petals the plants protect their pollen. Some of the plants that close their flowers at night are the California poppy, the African daisy and the star of Bethlehem. - California poppy or Eschscholzia californica is also called mariposa. It is an annual plant, native to the warmer southwestern regions. It reseeds easily and numerous cultivars of the flower are also commonly available. California poppy can reach a mature height of 1 to 1 ½ feet and produces orange flowers during the spring. The best time to plant is in autumn or late winter. The plants grow well in most soil types. Though they thrive in full sun they also do quite well in light shade.
- African daisy or Dimorphotheca sinuata is a hardy spring annual which easily grows in the wild without any assistance. The leaves start to germinate early in the fall and the flowers begin to bloom by January. The flowers resemble daisies and bloom in various shades of yellow and golden orange. The plants reach a mature height of 4 to 12 inches and grow best in a well drained, fertile soil. African daisies do not require any additional fertilizing or excessive watering. Unless it is very warm, watering once a week is sufficient when the plants are blooming. The flowers are best planted in large numbers for an impressive effect.
- The star of Bethlehem or Ornithogaium umbellatum produces spikes of star-like flowers which close in dull weather and at night. The plant is a bulb rooted member from the lily family and produces leaves in clump from an onion-like bulb. The profusion of white flowers blooms in the spring. It is very easy to cultivate the flowers from bulbs in fertile 2-inch-deep soil. The plants do best in natural settings and the recommended planting time in during fall. The bulbs do contain certain toxins and hence should not be handled without gloves. Keep bulbs away from pets and children.
California Poppy
African Daisy
Star of Bethlehem