Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis & Treatment
Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis & Treatment
Because of the range of treatments for cerebral palsy, a child typically receives care from a pediatrician, who coordinates all aspects of the child's treatment; an orthopedist, who specializes in surgery to treat muscular and skeletal problems; and a variety of other therapists and aides. The treatment that's right for someone with cerebral palsy depends not only on the person's symptoms but also on his or her life stage. The treatment should be geared to help the person develop skills appropriate for his or her age and prepare the person for future educational and occupational activities.
Many adults with cerebral palsy are able to live and care for themselves independently. Others may need assistance in caring for themselves, help with transportation, and special employment arrangements geared to their abilities.
Understanding Cerebral Palsy -- Diagnosis and Treatment
In this article
What Are the Treatments for Cerebral Palsy? continued...
Because of the range of treatments for cerebral palsy, a child typically receives care from a pediatrician, who coordinates all aspects of the child's treatment; an orthopedist, who specializes in surgery to treat muscular and skeletal problems; and a variety of other therapists and aides. The treatment that's right for someone with cerebral palsy depends not only on the person's symptoms but also on his or her life stage. The treatment should be geared to help the person develop skills appropriate for his or her age and prepare the person for future educational and occupational activities.
Many adults with cerebral palsy are able to live and care for themselves independently. Others may need assistance in caring for themselves, help with transportation, and special employment arrangements geared to their abilities.