3 Simple Steps to Increase Testosterone for Building Muscle Quickly
Do you want to gain lean and hard muscle quickly? Testosterone is the hormone that controls muscle growth in your body.
It is not surprising that most bodybuilders try testosterone supplements to speed up muscle growth.
Here are some simple and easy ways to increase testosterone in your body: 1.
Low Reps with High Volume Strength training itself helps boost testosterone production in your body.
Compound exercises that involve a group of muscles are extremely effective in enhancing testosterone.
Using heavy loads of weight and working out low reps is known to work wonders for increasing testosterone in your body.
Try to lift as much weight with which you can do 6-8 reps in each set.
If you are able to perform 10-12 reps with a particular weight, it's time to add more weight to the barbbell.
Avoid Soy Products Soy is a very powerful phyto-estrogen.
In other words, it is a compound that mimics estrogen or the female hormone in your body.
It inhibits testosterone production in your body.
Though vegetarians have been trying to prove this fact wrong, there is very strong clinical evidence to suggest that soy can reduce testosterone in men.
It is unfortunate that a lot of health and bodybuilding supplements contain soy or soy products.
Make sure that you do not buy any health supplement that contain soy as an ingredient.
Get a Test Boost with Your Body Language Your body posture can significantly influence your testosterone levels.
Power postures such as standing up straight, looking people in the eye, taking up space, walking slowly and authoritatively can give you a powerful testosterone boost.
As a matter of fact, your body posture can increase your testosterone levels by as much as 20% in just 2 minutes.
Increase Testosterone with Iodine Iodine is a mineral that is extremely important for proper thyroid function in your body.
It is also extremely important for the production of testosterone in your body.
So, if you want to enhance your testosterone levels, make sure that you consume enough foods that are rich in iodine.
Try a Natural Testosterone Supplement Testosterone supplements are immensely popular with bodybuilders.
Some of the best testosterone supplements come with a powerful dose of natural ingredients like tribulus and l-arginine.
Though there are a lot of testosterone supplements in the market, it is just a few that are safe and effective for building more muscle.
Top of the line supplements come with a powerful dose of tribulus terrestris to ensure faster and better results.
So, if you want to boost testosterone naturally, check out the best testosterone supplements that can help you gain lean muscle quickly.
It is not surprising that most bodybuilders try testosterone supplements to speed up muscle growth.
Here are some simple and easy ways to increase testosterone in your body: 1.
Low Reps with High Volume Strength training itself helps boost testosterone production in your body.
Compound exercises that involve a group of muscles are extremely effective in enhancing testosterone.
Using heavy loads of weight and working out low reps is known to work wonders for increasing testosterone in your body.
Try to lift as much weight with which you can do 6-8 reps in each set.
If you are able to perform 10-12 reps with a particular weight, it's time to add more weight to the barbbell.
Avoid Soy Products Soy is a very powerful phyto-estrogen.
In other words, it is a compound that mimics estrogen or the female hormone in your body.
It inhibits testosterone production in your body.
Though vegetarians have been trying to prove this fact wrong, there is very strong clinical evidence to suggest that soy can reduce testosterone in men.
It is unfortunate that a lot of health and bodybuilding supplements contain soy or soy products.
Make sure that you do not buy any health supplement that contain soy as an ingredient.
Get a Test Boost with Your Body Language Your body posture can significantly influence your testosterone levels.
Power postures such as standing up straight, looking people in the eye, taking up space, walking slowly and authoritatively can give you a powerful testosterone boost.
As a matter of fact, your body posture can increase your testosterone levels by as much as 20% in just 2 minutes.
Increase Testosterone with Iodine Iodine is a mineral that is extremely important for proper thyroid function in your body.
It is also extremely important for the production of testosterone in your body.
So, if you want to enhance your testosterone levels, make sure that you consume enough foods that are rich in iodine.
Try a Natural Testosterone Supplement Testosterone supplements are immensely popular with bodybuilders.
Some of the best testosterone supplements come with a powerful dose of natural ingredients like tribulus and l-arginine.
Though there are a lot of testosterone supplements in the market, it is just a few that are safe and effective for building more muscle.
Top of the line supplements come with a powerful dose of tribulus terrestris to ensure faster and better results.
So, if you want to boost testosterone naturally, check out the best testosterone supplements that can help you gain lean muscle quickly.